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Re: No mohammed discussion?
Old 04-26-2010, 02:49 PM   #4
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Default Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by Typhoid View Post
Because it's against their religion, and you are not part of that religion.
It's like 'the n word', when anyone other than some black guy says it.

It's a culture difference.
You have to understand a few things first of all.
They do not really have Free Speech in all places. Free Speech isn't a Universal luxury, so that doesn't matter one single bit in this.
Secondly, it is against their religion to depict Mohammad at all. Is it silly? Sure. But is it their religion? Fuck yes it is.
They have an entirely different culture than we do in North America.
Imagine we are back a few hundred years, and someone is just hardcore slagging on Jesus, I'm pretty sure Zealots wouldn't just go "Muslims can say what they want about Jesus, Freedom of Speech". I'm pretty sure if that happened now Zealots wouldn't do that.
Some Muslims also are strict on other things pertaining to religion. Extremists whip and beat those who are beardless. Women who wear bras are also whipped and beaten.

The reason they take the blasphemy of Mohammad so serious is that in their ancient religious writings it clearly states that not only is depicting the Prophet Mohammad as blasphemous, But it says that The Prophet Mohammad calls for the killing of several people who were mocking him to be killed - and they were killed by an Angel.

And honestly, I actually agree with the ruling to an extent. While it can be funny (in situations like this), once Mohammad is depicted, and no verbal outcry happens, more shows/cartoons could depict Mohammad, which would ridiculously cheapen his image, and meaning to Islam. Not to mention Christianity seems to be AOK with blasphemy against their own prophet, but that doesn't mean every other religion should ease up and stick their leader on T-Shirts and bobble heads just to sell a few units. They've kept the integrity of their religion in tact (minus the extremists who kill in his name, but that's a much different topic, and happens in roughly every religion) and they don't want to lose that. I can not only understand where they are coming from with that, but somewhat agree.
You do realize you are defending a religion based on a deity with no factual evidence to back it up? There is no proof, none, nada, zilch proving the existence of Allah. More so, the Jury is still up on whether Jesus existed and I assume the same goes for Mohammad.

If I started a religion believing in magical unicorns and told you not to draw pictures of them, you would feel obligated to respect my wishes? In fact, I'm starting a new religion called KillerGremlinism. I don't approve of depictions of Monkeys, because the great Gremlin Monkey Prophet is timeless. Therefore you need to remove your avatar from this forum because it falsely portrays my prophet. Also, if you don't change your avatar I'm flying a plane into your house!
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