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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 10-03-2010, 11:21 PM   #76
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Just a random bump to say that I started playing Final Fantasy IV on the DS thanks to some of my Tweeplings and wanted to waste some time until Kirby's Epic Yarn was released.

I'm fairly early in the game, I just got to the castle and the Prince joined my party so yeah.

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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 10-04-2010, 03:23 AM   #77
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A prince? Spoilers!

I played some of FFV 10 years ago, but I don't think I'm cut out for the slow pace of FF.
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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 01-15-2011, 04:05 AM   #78
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And I've beaten XII! Done! Yep, 7 months since my last post in this thread (where I announced I was on VII) and I've finished the marathon. Not really much a marathon, I guess, since there was a big break, but hey! I beat them all...

What happened was I beat VII pretty quickly after my previous post. VIII went by pretty swiftly as well. IX didn't last long at all. I started on X, but I didn't move very quickly. It hadn't really been that long since I had beaten it last, so it all felt really deja vuish. As I had predicted, my excitement kind of ended after I beat VIII. It was the last game I hadn't really played in a long time.

I was muscling through, though, but then Dragon Quest IX came out. If we're being honest, the DQ series has always been much closer to my gaming heart than FF; its just much less available. Then that got me on a bit of a DQ kick (similar to how FFXIII got me on a FF kick) so I messed around with a couple of those. Then I got some new games and started playing those...

It took a while for me to get back to X. I had left off right before Operation Mi'hen. I picked it back up a little while ago. Pushed through. Started XII and pushed through that. And now I'm done! I thought about doing XIII again since its been over a year, but I've really soured on it since then and I'm not up to going through it again. Plus, I've already got a backlog (who doesn't?) and, icing on the cake, DQVI is getting released for the first time in America on Valentine's Day, so.. No XIII.

I'm going to go ahead and finish the thread off. I'll do the write-ups for the games post V and my impressions over the next few days or so. Maybe a couple tonight. This way I can say I did it "proper" or something.
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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 01-15-2011, 04:28 AM   #79
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Was all about to make a write up for VI and realized I never did share my thoughts on V.

Hands down it is much better than III. The AP system is pretty great and its really simple to understand not only how much left until you've mastered a job (or at least levelled it up), but also playing with them and creating your own deal. The story was better than I thought it would be also. Nothing fantastic. Definitely doesn't hold up to the two games its sandwich between, but still enjoyable.

I was surprised at the lack of difficulty, though. I had some trouble here and there, but overall I didn't have too many problems. I possibly over-compensated for the "oh so hard" things I've heard similar to III, but still. Not that bad.

Overall, though, I would still rank V in the middle of the series. It does its job, but the story, while not horrible, is still not the best. The Job system, while improved, still has some issues (trial and error figuring out the jobs; easy to exploit once you do). I'm glad I've beaten it, but I wouldn't really go back to it anytime soon.
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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 01-15-2011, 05:29 AM   #80
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Originally released in Japan in 1994 for the Super Famicom, FFVI was released later that year in America as FFIII for the Super Nintendo. This was the last game to be re-numbered due to the skipping from I to IV. This was also the very last core FF game to be initially released on a Nintendo system. FFVI focuses on a rebellion group the Returners who battle the Gestahlian Empire. Emperor Gestahl wished to gain the control of the Espers, magical, powerful beings, and start a second War of the Magi. The Returners later battle against the evil clown Kefka Palazzo who wishes only to become a god himself.

FFVI had 14 (!) playable characters in total, more than any other core FF title even to this day:

- Terra Branford: A half-Esper who begins the game in control of the Empire. She breaks free of their mind control, but has no memory prior to her capture. She spends the game learning how to love herself and her split heritage.

- Locke Cole: A thief (excuse me, treasure hunter) who initially rescues Terra from the Empire. He fights for the Returners, but also searches for an artifact to help return a loved one.

- Edgar Roni Figaro: Twin brother to Sabin and King of Figaro. Edgar is very flirtatious. He appears to ally with the Empire, but secretly fights with the Returners.

- Sabin Rene Figaro: Twin brother to Edgar and a master martial artist. Sabin would have shared Figaro's throne with Edgar, but he chose his freedom from the throne and trained in martial arts instead.

- Shadow: A heartless man who would slit his momma's throat for a nickel. Shadow is a mercenary for hire with a mysterious past he only thinks about in his dreams...

- Cyan Garamonde: A noble samurai from the kingdom of Doma, Cyan swore revenge against the Empire for poisoning his kingdom, including his wife and child.

- Gau: A feral child who grew up on the Veldt, Gau is a master at mimicking beasts' attacks.

- Celes Chere: A former general of the Empire, she became disillusioned with the empire and was set for execution before being rescued by Locke.

- Setzer Gabbiani: A vain and materialistic man, Setzer lives for adventure. He initially only joins the Returners because the Empire is bad for his business.

- Mog: Mog is a moogle who has the rare ability to communicate with humans.

- Strago Magus: An elderly mage from Thamas, Strago is very protective of his granddaughter, Relm.

- Relm Arrowny: Strago's granddaughter and a little girl. Relm can create living things with paint and magic.

- Gogo: A strange creature, Gogo is a mimic who... mimics things. S/he doesn't even have a defined gender.

- Umaro: A yeti who has been befriend by Mog.

Gameplay elements unique or introduced in FFVI:

- For the first time you could decide who was in your party. While previous game had multiple characters, the story dictated who were fighting with at any given moment. FFVI, except for a few story sequences, allowed you to choose from any of the available characters for some or all of the slots in your group.

- Several of the above characters didn't have to recruited at all. Most of them could be forgotten about past a certain point in the game. This is the first time in the series there have been "optional" characters, the only other game being VII.

- The Esper system introduced in VI is similar to the Job system in V. Espers, or summons, can be equipped on a character. When this is done, that character learns any spells attached to that Esper via AP points earned at various rates depending on the spell. Characters will also earn various stat boosts upon levelling up depending on the Esper equipped.

- Characters now have abilities specific and unique to them such as Edgar's ability to use Tools or Shadow's ability to throw things.

- Desperation Attacks were introduced. When a character has low HP they have a slight chance, when attacking, to use a rare super attack specific to them. This concept would be expanded in later games. I've never actually had this happen to me; true story.

FFVI has seen a couple of releases over the years:

- As Final Fantasy III for the Super Nintendo.
- As Final Fantasy VI as part of the Final Fantasy Anthology Collection along with FFV. This version added FMV sequences to the beginning and ending of the game.
- On the GBA with a new translation along with a new bonus dungeon and few new Espers.

Interesting note, although the FF games would not feature voice-acting until FFX, FFVI is the first FF game to give a character a voice. While it is not a actual recorded voice, FFVI is the first game to use a sound to represent a character's voice (in this case, a certain infamous laugh).

And, finally, Cid Watch:

Cid Del Norte Marquez for the first time had nothing really to do with the invention of the airship or the party obtaining an airship (that role now going to Setzer). Indeed, Cid is at first an ally to the Empire! He is the inventor of the technology that can turn Espers into magicite. When he learns of the evil role of his technology he assists the Returners. He also raised Celes as his own daughter.

Last edited by Ginkasa : 01-15-2011 at 05:48 AM.
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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 01-15-2011, 05:46 AM   #81
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Default Re: Final Fantasy Megathread

Final Fantasy VI is one of my very favorite FFs and one of my favorite games in general, but in some ways my feelings are a little mixed. Let me expand.

The World of Balance is nothing short of a masterpiece. The music, the characters, the tone, the story, the gameplay. All of it just really comes together to create something special. I actually played FFVI pretty late. I played a ROM briefly after I played VII, but it wasn't until it was re-released on the PSX that I played it through. Even playing the ROM, though, it felt really familiar and timeless. I don't know, there's just something about it.

If I were to pick some grievances they would be thus:

1) "Generic" character moments. On those occasions where you can any character with you, so the game chooses to just have generic dialogue that could be given to any character. It might have been system limitation, but I would have liked more character specific dialogue that changed depending on the characters chosen.

2) Some of the character back history moments felt out of place. They were good on their own, they just didn't mesh well with the rest of the story in terms of pacing and placement. They just happen, I guess. It feels odd sometimes.

Those are nitpicks those. Small complaints. Otherwise, the World of Balance is a masterpiece.

The World of Ruin, though, doesn't exactly live up to its name, but isn't quite as good. I enjoy the vignettes each village/character brings and its fun to get some actual non-linearity to an FF game. However, being able to choose who you recruit and bring along means you've got those generic character moments all the time. Once you get past a character's moment to shine you could almost forget their place in the story, you know? Celes starts out as the leader in the WoR, but by the time we get to Kefka's palace I've almost forgotten she was there (as an example).

It also really kills the pacing. I just don't feel the sense of urgency or anything like I did in the WoB. Like I said, the individual moments are good. It was just, by the the time I reach Kefka it feels like just an item on my list. Without a real "Okay let's do this scene" it kind of falls flat. Especially since you can come and go as please, really, with no consequence.

But really, its still a great game. I just think its a little top heavy with pure awesome, if that makes sense.

Another thing I find interesting is the lack of a real definitive "main character." Pretty much every FF game after IV (including III's remake) has one except for this game. Sure, you start with Terra and she's the traditional choice, but you don't really stay focused on her for that long. Soon you're jumping all over the place. Then she's not even accessible for a period of time. You could say Terra's the main character because the story, if not the gameplay, focuses a lot on her, but all bets are off once the WoR hits. Celes fits the role of a main character more there than anyone else. She's there from the beginning and starts to gather everyone up for the assault on Kefka's tower. Sure, she doesn't specifically do anything once you can switch her out, but its possible everyone would have stayed put if Celes had killed herself or just stayed on the island or something. Terra isn't even required to be recruited in the WoR. Her specific role ends with the WoB.

Although, really, most of the characters could be the "main" character if the Square had chosen to focus on them. This is cool, because it really shows how many of them had been fleshed out pretty well.

Anyway, that's really all I have to say on VI.
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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 01-15-2011, 10:49 AM   #82
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Default Re: Final Fantasy Megathread

Originally Posted by Ginkasa View Post
And, finally, Cid Watch:

Woah, he really looks like these villains in Fire Emblem Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn:

It may have other powers than just making you vanish when you wish to... The One Ring
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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 06-15-2011, 11:16 AM   #83
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Bumpity bumpity bump!

My (not so) regular triumphant return to GT is here!

I've been in the FF mood recently.

I never did finish my playthrough of FF2, but I still have the save. It's for the PSP remake version so it's technically easier, but I don't think I can fault myself too much. My characters can only take so many beatings to the head to get their HP up. Last I checked I was outside of Mysidia and I have both of the masks. Where the story progresses to afterwards is beyond me.

I had been reading a great Final Fantasy retrospective article from socksmakepeoplesexy.net and it went over all (or most I should say) of the FF games all the way up to XIII. It also included the (meh) Mystic Quest for SNES and the fantastic Final Fantasy Tactics for the Playstation (not the War of the Lions remake, he's got an issue with the retranslation, and I can't say I blame him, they went kinda exaggerated with some of the new dialogue, although it is easier to understand this time around). He had huge issues with the series starting from VIII and it's a slow fall down, and then it's a quick thud for him once X-2 shows it's face.

My mood for FF was rekindled when I remembered that I purchased Final Fantasy XIII, played it for about an hour and put it back to play something else and never looked back. So I decided I was gonna go balls in and play it for hours and hours at a time. I have the time over the summer because I'm not working in the evenings and I knew that in the hour that I played I was getting nothing of what the battle system was truly like, or the character advancement either, which for me didn't start happening until around the two and a half hour mark or so.

I think considering that XIII's director was very highly involved in X-2, XIII doesn't leave as bad of a taste in my mouth. I mean, the story could have had some pretty interesting potential if Gran Pulse were more involved (or at least appear to be more involved; I'm only 15 hours in so I haven't been there yet) since there's an interesting conflict between Cocoon and Pulse. I have a hard time liking any of the characters that aren't Sazh. I really do. Well, maybe Fang. I saw way too many resemblances to the beginning of Final Fantasy VII in the beginning of the game. Lightning isn't very likable because she's got the Squall attitude towards everyone and it all seems unfounded, the situation with Serah not withstanding. Hope is a whiner, Vanille is on the outskirts of lolitown with a stupid accent, and Snow is way too involved in a romance plot that I don't really enjoy watching when the flashbacks come around, or when he goes on and on about Serah.

I do find the battle system to be entertaining, even if it's more automated and a little detached compared to the other previous games. What I dislike is the game completely gets rid of resource management with the healing of all your characters after each battle, and the fact that the enemies don't drop gil, and sometimes drop components. The weapon customization is weak, and I'm hard pressed to waste time upgrading weapons or accessories and spending gil on accessories or components as well.

Any gripes aside, I still find myself firing the game up to see what happens next in the extremely linear game. That's how it feels to me. It's almost even more restrictive than X, and X you could even backtrack. Maybe I haven't spent enough time, but I'm past the 15 hour mark, so I would think that takes too long.

My FF mood has also been kicked in thanks to FFIV, but I'll get into that in my next post. This has been a wall of text brought to you by magus113.

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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 06-15-2011, 11:30 AM   #84
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Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection for PSP.

It's yet another Final Fantasy IV remake for yet another console. It's been remade...four times now? Let's see:

SNES Original (1991)
Playstation as part of the Final Fantasy Chronicles along with Chrono Trigger (2001)
Wonderswan Color in Japan (2002)
Game Boy Advance with new script and some added content (2005)
SNES Original on the Virtual Console (2010)
PSP as the Complete Collection with FFIV: Interlude and remade FFIV: The After Years (2011)

...that's a lot of remakes. To be fair we never saw the WSC version here in America, but it's still another remake. I wonder why though? The game is good, that's not the problem. It's just not great. I can understand how it had so much appeal back in 1991 considering what the Final Fantasy games were coming from on the NES, but VI was a much better game (I should know, having completed it last year, finally). Even so, I do have somewhat of a soft spot for this game, even though I've never finished it, or tried playing it as much as I have other Final Fantasy games in the past.

I went and I spent the money for the Complete Collection on the PSP not just for the fact that there's essentially two full Final Fantasy games for the price of 23.99 (when I bought it), but I think it was a nice way to update the game but still keep it true to the original. I liked the DS remake, don't get me wrong. I have it. It just feels different. It doesn't have the same kind of goofy aesthetic that the 2D versions of the game have, like the character sprites jumping around, although the voice work was great, and it didn't detract from the overall game since it stayed true to the source material and it wasn't done for every single cutscene. It made the pacing nice for a portable outing.

It's just fun for me I guess to play through the game in 2D with updated, higher definition sprites and backgrounds, but still being able to have the option of listening to the old SNES music as opposed to the new (and sometimes nicer) arranged version of the BGM.

Sometimes I'm just more of a purist I guess. Supposedly they did make the first half of the game easier, which I might have to call BS on. I'm about to go through the Lodestone Cavern to get the Earth crystal in Troia and I'm getting my ass handed to me by the battles in the area. Go go Gadget grindfest.

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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 06-16-2011, 09:12 AM   #85
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Default Re: Final Fantasy Megathread

Final Fantasy 4 was all about some kind of massive grind in pretty much every area.
Guilty Gear Anyone?
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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 06-16-2011, 09:20 AM   #86
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Default Re: Final Fantasy Megathread

Originally Posted by TheSlyMoogle View Post
Final Fantasy 4 was all about some kind of massive grind in pretty much every area.
I can def. agree with this. Well, maybe not so much with the FF2 SNES release. I think the NA one was really dumbed down in difficulty and they advertised the future remakes as having a newer, raised difficulty. I believe the DS remake is the most difficult of all of them, since the PSP one was made a little easier for the first half, or so I heard.

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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 06-17-2011, 04:33 PM   #87
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So I finished the Tower of Zot and opened up the way to the Underworld.

The grind to pass through the Tower of Zot was decent enough but I can't help but feel like getting to the fight with the Magus Sisters and Barbariccia was more difficult than the actual fights with the Magus Sisters and Barbariccia. Strange.

I pulled a four to five hour session with FFXIII and I'm past the 20 hour mark. And NOW is when they decide to let me switch members of my team out. What the hell?

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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 06-18-2011, 07:40 PM   #88
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Is it just me or does the difficulty for FF13 jump up a lot when you get to Gran Pulse?

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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 06-19-2011, 04:31 AM   #89
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Sort of. I don't think the difficulty over all increases. I think they just throw a whole bunch of different monsters into that area. Some of them are too powerful for you to defeat or defeat easily, so you have to avoid them until you're stronger. I don't think the game overall gets more difficult, though if that makes sense.
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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 06-19-2011, 10:54 PM   #90
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Default Re: Final Fantasy Megathread

Originally Posted by Ginkasa View Post
Sort of. I don't think the difficulty over all increases. I think they just throw a whole bunch of different monsters into that area. Some of them are too powerful for you to defeat or defeat easily, so you have to avoid them until you're stronger. I don't think the game overall gets more difficult, though if that makes sense.
No it does make sense. I'm in the Tower of Babil now, and it seems like a much easier climb than the Tower of Zot was.

I love this game.

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