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Re: No mohammed discussion?
Old 04-27-2010, 03:43 PM   #52
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Default Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by Teuthida View Post
I concur.

Out of curiosity, anyone here actually have any Muslim friends?
I have a few.
One of them in particular (Who I actually asked about this) is a really 'normal' Canadian guy. Plays music, loves the Beatles, Broken Bells, Indie music. Went to University, has a very good job. Completely socially normal, doesn't treat women differently etc. He's just a guy who happens to be Muslim.

He said the reason he doesn't like it [not that he is threatening violence] is because there is already enough ignorance towards Islam, and Muslims. It would be different if the masses were educated and poking fun for the sake of poking fun, rather than the fact they are Muslims. He doesn't think Mohammad should ever be depicted because that could not only open the door to more ignorance, but could lead the way to commercialization of a prophet, which he doesn't agree with. He said no prophet/divine-anything should ever be commercialized. He fears Mohammad could in the future become a commercial mule, much like what Jesus is now. He compared the level of ignorance to 'Hug a Nigger' day. He said "While the day doesn't exist at all, if it were to - I don't think it would be a 'whatever, man - we have free speech' attitude towards it."
1.) The sexual act where a finger is inserted into the vagina or anus.
1.) To vigorously nod your head up and down.
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