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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 01-15-2011, 04:28 AM   #79
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Default Re: Final Fantasy Megathread

Was all about to make a write up for VI and realized I never did share my thoughts on V.

Hands down it is much better than III. The AP system is pretty great and its really simple to understand not only how much left until you've mastered a job (or at least levelled it up), but also playing with them and creating your own deal. The story was better than I thought it would be also. Nothing fantastic. Definitely doesn't hold up to the two games its sandwich between, but still enjoyable.

I was surprised at the lack of difficulty, though. I had some trouble here and there, but overall I didn't have too many problems. I possibly over-compensated for the "oh so hard" things I've heard similar to III, but still. Not that bad.

Overall, though, I would still rank V in the middle of the series. It does its job, but the story, while not horrible, is still not the best. The Job system, while improved, still has some issues (trial and error figuring out the jobs; easy to exploit once you do). I'm glad I've beaten it, but I wouldn't really go back to it anytime soon.
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