Thread: BP Oil Spill
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Re: BP Oil Spill
Old 06-20-2010, 08:35 PM   #4
Professor S
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Default Re: BP Oil Spill

BP should pay for the spill and the impact the the economy of the gulf region, and regardless of government intervention, they would anyway. That is what our legal system is for. Honestly, the federal government has no place coaxing money from BP, regardless of populist outrage. Sue them or don't sue them, but to constantly threaten to bludgeon is shady political dealing at its best.

The management of the spill has been utterly disastrous. The fact BP is still running this show and handling 90% of the clean-up is amazing to me. Why haven't we accepted other country's offers to help with this? Why aren't other oil companies involved with their resources in the region (to be compensated by BP, of course)? The management of this crisis has been shockingly un-crisis like. Say what you will about how Bush responded to Katrina, but it was days before every tool at our country's disposal was activated to aid in the aftermath, not months.

Oil drilling should NOT be stopped, but instead the industry should learn from this accident. If we stopped everything of value because there was a catastrophe, humans would still be painting on rock walls.
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