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Re: Healthcare Summit
Old 02-26-2010, 01:08 PM   #11
The Greatest One
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Default Re: Healthcare Summit

I don't like the cost controls in the bill, and the adjustable "cap" for how much premiums can be. I think that this may cause people to lower and raise the caps for political reasons, and possibly cause the insurance companies to not make realistic decisions for themselves on how much the pricing will be.

This is why I always supported the public option.. I'd rather the government try to fix the problem themselves opposed to trying to control the private industry directly.


I watched some of the highlights from yesterday's event. It was republicans basically saying "Lets scrap the bill and start over (so that we can say we won a political war)" vs democrats saying "Please give us some new ideas that we haven't already used from your party (So that we can try to bash the ideas or say how they're already included)".

And dems weren't trying to scrap anything, and Republicans weren't trying to give any new ideas.

While I have to give the republicans credit for making Obama look closed minded to an extent, I still am on Obama's side of things. I wish republicans gave more direct examples of things that are in the current bill that needed to be dropped, and made Obama have to defend the ideas more.. opposed to doing stupid talking points about how Obama did back room deals, and broke campaign promises.

Republicans should have played more of the "Got'cha!" game. Like with how the bill is set up to collect funding 4 years before anything goes into effect. Every time they said it, it seemed that it was tacked onto some political Speech that gave Obama way more to respond to. If you give Obama too much, he has a way about avoiding the answers that make him look bad.

But... I only watched the highlights, so they probably did do some of what I said above, and media is just not framing it that way.
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