Thread: LOST FINALE!!!!
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Old 05-24-2010, 09:22 AM   #13
Professor S
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Default Re: LOST FINALE!!!!

I understand why the writers refused to answer the questions about the island, but my main problem is that the island has been the overriding driver of the plot for six years. To end the series without answering the most important question presented is a bit of a failure, IMO.

That said, whatever the writers explained about the island would inevitably fail to meet expectations, so they put themselves in a lose-lose situation. Given their situation, I thought they did a respectable job of cobbling together the divergent plot points and sucking it back to a archetypal GvE/GODvSATAN otherworldly theme.

On a side note, I thought they handled Ben Linus well, but what happened to so many of the other castaways that never made it to the church? Echo?
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