Thread: BP Oil Spill
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Re: BP Oil Spill
Old 06-27-2010, 03:57 PM   #34
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Default Re: BP Oil Spill

The reality is all he's doing is hurting good people.
Opposed to the oil spill itself, which only hurts good and innocent animals and devastates ecosystems and plant life.

But you know, people will get to keep their jobs - so all is well.
Gotta keep the economy strong etc.

It's not about the likelihood that it will happen again, it's the fact it has already happened. Even if t doesn't happen for another 40 years, that's still bad. The point isn't to space out man-made disasters, it's not to have them in the first place. If your pinto blows up and kills you, that sucks - But if your pinto blew up and took 20 city blocks with it [Or ruined the environment to the point everything near the car dies], I'm sure there would be a recall on pintos. This oil spill isn't exploding one person. It's ruining a lot more than that.

But explain to me why this moratorium is wrong, aside from 'People will lose jobs'. There are more important things in this world than a handful of people [in the scheme of things] and their having or not having jobs. The well-being of the environment, for one. I can understand people don't want to lose their job, ever. But if they work it into a way where once there are good safety regulations in place so that this type of thing doesn't happen again - they should get precedence for their jobs back if they want them.

But I mean hey, if 17% of the Louisiana population [who are employed by oil-related work] would rather not look for a new job, and continue to contribute to the growing devastation to their local area; nobody can convince them otherwise.
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