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Re: No mohammed discussion?
Old 04-27-2010, 11:41 AM   #48
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Default Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by Teuthida View Post
I concur.

Out of curiosity, anyone here actually have any Muslim friends?
I do. I also have Muslim non-friends, as I roomed with someone who was Muslim and found the experience to be jarring. It was a socially jarring experience more than anything, although my roommate was a pretty devout Muslim...I'm not saying there is any correlation, but a lot of his social behavior would not fly in normal social settings. Fortunately, he put himself in very selective social settings among fellow Muslims and friends who shared his social quirks.


Well for one, he had an incredibly condescending attitude towards women. Just the way he treated me alone vs. me and my girlfriend or my girlfriend was astounding. I realize he is first generation American as his parents were fresh off the boat, and he is hardcore Muslim, but regardless.

I've also seen separation of church and state stretched the most on behalf of Muslims. We had Muslim clubs in high school, and that was fine as there were other religious clubs. But since Muslims need to pray several times a day, and the prayer process is quite extensive, they had their own section segmented off in the school library where they could pray. So basically, US tax dollars went to funding a Muslim prayer room in my high school. I'm not okay with that. Also, they could leave class to go pray. And again, I personally have no problem with that, but to what extent do people start abusing that privilege to skip class, or when do we start accommodating the needs of other religions? I found the whole issue incredibly mind-boggling. It's actually a funny story, anecdotal as it is, because it shows how bending over to accommodate the religious needs of a group stretches and challenges the very things our Founding Fathers fought against when they established the US Constitution and separation of church and state.

There were other things, but since I'm moving forward in a highly anecdotal direction I will stop now.

Originally Posted by Teuthida View Post
Maybe its because you get so many outspoken Christians saying such stupid things so often. Sadly this is also a Christian country. Making fun of a majority is easy. Most who do it are either Christians themselves or were at some time.
There's like 1.5 billion people that practice Islam, making it the second largest practiced religion behind Christianity. And your statement is full of assumptions and "so whats?"

Originally Posted by Teuthida View Post
I love parody. I love making fun of stupid people. I just think one needs to consider both sides and put yourself in others shoes.
Cool story bro, I have something better than empathy:

Read it.
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