Thread: Inception
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Re: Inception
Old 07-15-2010, 09:44 AM   #10
Professor S
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Default Re: Inception

I've become a huge fan of Nolan's work. I always knew he had potential, with very good movies like Memento, The Prestige and Batman Begins (flawed but very good). It wasn't until The Dark Knight that I think Nolan really put everything together. The Dark Knight is one of those movies that informs me of what movie reviewers to listen to. In my mind, that movie was close to perfect (if it had flaws, the good parts made me completely forget them, which is about a close to perfect as anyone will ever get).

When I read movie reviews from people who vehemently disliked the movie, I knew I didn't have to pay attention to that reviewer anymore because their view of film simply does not click with my tastes.

If you look at the reviews, you'll find that the people that disliked The Dark Knight, also almost universally dislike Inception, so in effect their negative review lets me know I'll LOVE Inception. For the record, I find that David Edelstein's taste in film is the polar opposite of mine, and in objective analysis I don't even believe he is a very good critic, just a good writer. I read him like I view a photo negative.
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