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Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Old 03-15-2012, 03:56 AM   #350
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Default Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Professor S View Post
Vamp, I thought the same thing last night. I'm not a fan of Lincoln's portrayal as Rick. He's kind of like a pensive mannequin. Very one note so far, but Shane being his foil has really helped make him more interesting. Looking at the previews for the following week, though, hopefully the character breaks out a bit.

I'm getting the feeling the show is going to kill off a few more people next week. I see most of Hershel's family, including Hershel, biting it with Maggie being he sole survivor (saved by Glen). What's interesting is that this will leave the group relatively weak against the Governor next season unless they pick up some new characters. I'd rather they develop whoever remains, though.

One day I'd love to hear an explanation of why certain aspects of the show were changed. Example: In the book Carl kills Shane to save his father, and that is a pretty big moment in his life that you could say defines his character and sets a huge expectation for the new world everyone lives in. Having Rickkill Shane must have been a conscious decision, and I'm curious as to why they make their choices. I'm not complaining, I'd just like to know.
Network censorship maybe?

I can't stand the kid. I think they really dropped the casting ball with that one. What we need are either more kids...or less kids.

For me, this week's episode was like a step back. I don't know. This entire Season has lacked any serious zombie threat...and this episode they suddenly start boarding up the house. I mean, shouldn't that have been episode 2? Maybe instead of fixing the well they could have boarded up the house. I get it: Hershel wasn't planning on letting them live there. But in the case of an emergency zombie outbreak, wouldn't having a fortified house make sense?

Okay, so I'm back to nitpicking about bad writing. I'll stop. Lori is truly annoying...I can't stand Andrea....Rick is annoying...the kid can't act...

There were like random extras on set today. That's happened a few times. Of course the black guy is helping move all the shit, and "no you aren't sleeping on the couch." "Okay, masta sir!"

Honestly? I'm rooting for Glenn, Maggie, and Daryl. Seeing Daryl and Glenn work together was the highlight of the episode for me. So far, this show has failed miserably at the drama. I also feel like the farm stuff has been fairly meh. The past few episodes have been very interesting....because we are getting new scenery, new characters, and not focusing on this group's tired ass drama.

This was like a solid B episode for me. I feel like Rick and Carl are still both way underdeveloped. Carl didn't kill Shane. If you think about it...Rick didn't really kill Shane. I mean he waited til the last second, and begrudgingly busted out a knife. Is this the same badass who is going to keep shit together down the road?

I predict they abandon the farm next episode and find the prison. If Meryl is the Governor I will be sad.
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