Thread: SOPA
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Old 01-19-2012, 04:33 PM   #14
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Default Re: SOPA

*roll roll roll*

Originally Posted by TheSlyMoogle View Post
This whole blackout has pretty much made me realize how dumb the majority really is. Instead of reading a simple paragraph about what's going on with the web, they just tweeted and facebooked 1000 different "OMG WHAT IS GOING ON INTERWEBZ?"

Fucking idiots.


That's why I believe technology is ruining young society. Technology is great and all, it makes our lives simpler. But it doesn't make us use our brains. We just do reactionary things to get to the knowledge we need. I used to remember phone numbers. I used to know a lot of them. Now I know I just need to type the first letter of someones name into my phone and their number is automatically brought up onto the screen. We don't need to know the answer anymore, we just need to know how to get to it quickly.

The kids raised these days don't know the concept of patience, reading, or retaining knowledge. They don't need those things when they can just look down at their iphone, click the Wikipedia app, and type in whatever was puzzling them - find the answer - and never think about it again.

People's lives are so inconvenienced by a loss of time we've created Microwaves and Cars. Creating a special niche of people who neither cook properly nor exercise. But now that we've got Tivo, skippable cutscenes, the internet, and ipads - we're creating a special breed of people who neither need to know any actual knowledge (considering they just wikipedia it, relay the fact, close the app), and don't have the patience to read a fucking paragraph.

Technology (of the 21st century) just really, really made people not want to waste their time on reading. "Fuck, why would I read, when I can just click 1 button, and skim for the answer I want."

Technology is slowly killing intelligent conversation, teenager by teenager.

1.) The sexual act where a finger is inserted into the vagina or anus.
1.) To vigorously nod your head up and down.
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