Thread: Disgusting...
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Re: Disgusting...
Old 04-26-2010, 11:34 AM   #11
aka George Washington
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Default Re: Disgusting...

Going off your point Prof. S, then it makes sense to give amnesty to all those illegal immigrants already here. Most would jump at the chance to be a citizen, and at that point, they are part of the system and pay their taxes like every one else.

The other part is to stem further illegal immigration. I think the only real way to stop it is to make Mexico become a richer nation. The wealth gradient from Mexico->U.S. is just too high to ever realistically stop illegal immigration. I mean, no one worries about illegal immigration from Canada, and why is that? Because we're at the same wealth level. Mexico needs to get their ass in gear. What has kept them down for so long, anyway?
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