Thread: Disgusting...
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Re: Disgusting...
Old 04-26-2010, 09:16 AM   #9
Professor S
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Default Re: Disgusting...

Originally Posted by magus113 View Post
I never said anything about that, if anything the more extreme right side of the fence is really against it, if the Tea Party protesters are any indication. I'm a descendant of immigrants that became American citizens many years ago, so I'm all for it, as long as it's all under control in regards to documentation, like you're saying.
I agree. In fact, my family recently tracked down my great, great grandfather's burial site in Northern Ireland. My family is actually more recent than most.

That said, I think we need to be sure we are addressing what people say, and not what we think they mean. None of us are psychic and we certainly are not the thought-police. Most tea party protesters I have seen have not been anti-immigration, they are anti-illegal immigration and they are for a number of reasons, some invalid IMO but many very valid for reasons such as national security, their burden on welfare systems, and the fact that many do not contribute funds to those welfare systems they enjoy.

Also, one point that can be discussed is that illegal immigration does not naturalize a citizen. They work and live in America but are not American by means of citizenship. If there is no citizenship there is no ownership of responsibility as a citizen and much less of a chance that the illegal immigrant will become a part of the American community as a whole. This is a cultural argument, making it very controversial an certainly not orthodox about it. Still, its a valid basis for discussion.
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