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Re: Wikileaks footage of US army gunship killing innocent people
Old 04-15-2010, 09:40 AM   #15
Professor S
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Default Re: Wikileaks footage of US army gunship killing innocent people

Originally Posted by Dylflon View Post
There is no way to contextualize this to make these soldiers seem like they were doing even remotely adequate job or like they are in any way decent human beings.
If those comments are aimed at me, I never said they were decent human beings, I simply wanted to give some perspective and look at war objectively as possible. Looking at that video, objectivity is difficult even for me. The only reason why I felt it necessary to do so was because of your "Fuck the military" comment which is a severe generalization. I'm glad you've retreated to just condemning those involved.

As for calling them psychos, well I reserve judgement for those who have been able to see the entire event in context and those who have been in harm's way and been asked to kill nameless and faceless people. There is a reason why soldiers are trained to kill with little to no remorse: Their enemy is trying to kill them with little remorse as well. It is the definition of necessary evil in wartime, and I can only speculate on how that might affect you, and no one else can either unless they've been in the same situation.

I suppose I'm less concerned with the comments the soldiers made than whether or not their actions broke the rules of engagement. Motivations do little to sway me. Actions are all we can judge, and right now we don't know the whole story, and as Xantar pointed out all reports are they followed proper procedure. That said, the video that has been shown is damning.
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