Thread: Avatar
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Re: Avatar
Old 12-20-2009, 04:07 PM   #5
President of the Galaxy
Bube's Avatar
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Default Re: Avatar

I'll add some more

Every little thing in the movie reminded me of some other movie. It was like watching the most original parts of the best movies of the last 10 years or something. And even though it wasn't a movie aimed at children, a lot of stuff would've been more at home in a movie made for kids.

And at times it just got very boring. Why do they stretch every unimportant scene, boring me to sleep? Why do I watch the guy flying on a bird for 10 minutes, when it adds nothing to the story? 3 hours is just too long, they could've wrapped it up in half that time.

Oh, and I hope we don't see any more of those stupid ritual-type things where the locals dance stupidly and hum and chant - it's just not atmospheric.

Ok, glad I got that off my chest
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