Thread: State of Fear
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Re: State of Fear
Old 05-09-2010, 11:05 PM   #23
Professor S
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Default Re: State of Fear

Originally Posted by Typhoid View Post
Of course I was bringing up motivation.
You said there was no reason to do any act of terrorism on a democratic government other than to attack democracy.
I was answering that statement by saying "Well, of course there are other reasons to do acts of terrorism, such as religion, pure insanity, or just misguided hate."
Hmmm... True, I worded my point incorrectly. You responded as it was presented. The remainder of my response reflects my feelings on terrorism and democracy.

Yes, but not every act of terrorism is to overthrow a government, or to send a message to that government saying you're not pleased with the way it's run.
I never claimed it was either of those things. True terrorism is using violence to create political change by terrifying those in the democracy, and in the most definitive cases the acts of terror are not aimed at government installations, but at innocent civilians. The people do not acquiesce because they agree with the policies of the terrorists, but out of self-preservation, therefore bypassing the democratic process to achieve their goals. Beyond the scope of the political goals, this is no different than a dictator gaining or retaining political power through force.
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