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Re: Obama eliminates NASA's funds for manned lunar missions
Old 02-02-2010, 05:15 AM   #6
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Default Re: Obama eliminates NASA's funds for manned lunar missions

Originally Posted by TheGame View Post
So we should spend endlessly on manned space travel? Has anything been accomplished that was worthwhile for a manned mission in the last 30 years?

I'd agree if you said it's disapointing that this had to be done, but I disagree if you think this is something worth spending on unconditionlly. Almost ALL of the progress we've made have been unmanned missions.

You're right. Nothing's been accomplished, therefor nothing shall ever be accomplished again.

I never said "They should put extra funding into it." - simply that they shouldn't drastically cut funding for space exploration. And I said nowhere near "Spend Uncondtionally."

Yes, almost all of the progress has been unmanned. Correct. Humans are obsolete. We should just put robots in charge of everything, forever. I can make gross accusations as to your hidden meanings, aswell.

My point is this: Obama should - instead of cut funding from something entirely, shift the work of the project from a manned mission to the moon, to a manned mission to Mars.

The reason they should go back to the Moon, is to test how building would work out realistically on the Moon, in order to save a ton of money in the future to have a manned Mars mission. It's a fraction of the cost to send a manned mission from the Moon to Mars, than from Earth to Mars.

It's a real pity how little stock people put into Astronomy and Space these days. If it doesn't make them a quick buck, they're out.
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