Thread: SOPA
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Old 01-26-2012, 08:02 PM   #73
The Greatest One
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Default Re: SOPA

Originally Posted by Professor S View Post
Think long term and with a wide lens. In trying to create moral judgements making intellectual theft less egregious than physical theft, you are opening up a perceived moral argument against a free and open internet, which has really little to do with the small niche market of exchanging copyrighted material. In the end, to most people this sounds like people trying to protect their ability to steal shit.
The penalty has to fit the crime. I think I made it very clear how it's different, so no need to explain this again. Supporting heavy penalties and prison time for individuals who have pirated materials doesn't get to the source of the issue, and is going to cost us money and adds to a much bigger issue that we already have.
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