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Re: Horror Movie Month (My Name is Bruce)
Old 11-30-2009, 11:01 AM   #45
aka George Washington
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Default Re: Horror Movie Month (My Name is Bruce)

Originally Posted by The Germanator View Post
I can't believe you guys liked that film. I just watched Paranormal Activity, and what a piece of shit.
I had a coworker come in the other day with the exact same reaction. He said it was terrible. What causes such polarity on a movie like this? The same thing happened with Blair Witch.

I think the polarity is caused by expectations. Sometimes you go into a movie expecting something, usually seeded into your brain by the trailer. But when you actually see the movie, not only does it not give you what you expected, you get the exact opposite and so your reaction is that the movie is terrible because it didn't give you what you were wanting. This phenomenon coincides with the fact that you often choose the movie you're watching based on what you want to watch. If you choose an action movie, but then to your total surprise, you get a love drama, you're likely to hate the movie even if it's the best love drama ever. It's just expectations. This has happened to me before.

In this case, I guess you expected a more typical horror movie, and when you didn't get that it polarized you to the I hate this movie side. Despite the general consensus that this is one of the creepiest films ever, and at the very least if not a great film then certainly not a total "piece of shit".

Or you just didn't like it

If that was a well edited 6 minute youtube clip, I would have respected it, but for pretty much nothing to happen for all that time, it's a waste. That's not a film. Certainly would've worked better as pornography.

Paramount Pictures scammed everyone. The filmmakers made it for $15,000. Paramount buys it for $1 million. Box office gross is over $100 million. Sure, they spent a dickload on marketing, but still, what a scam.
I completely disagree. I judge a horror movie based on how creepy, frightening, disturbing it is -- the best of which leave me mentally disturbed for days after watching -- not on how much "happened". And, on that criteria, this is the best horror movie I have seen in a long time. To me, the most frightening moments on film are what they don't show you and what they don't explain. Your own imagination creates the most frightening images to fill in the blanks. This movie knows that.

It still creeps me out sometimes when I'm walking around my house at night in the dark.

That isn't to say I don't like some other movies that follow the more typical formula of story arc and spooky/gory things popping out or happening. But the good ones like that are like 1 in a 100, for me.

Last edited by manasecret : 11-30-2009 at 11:06 AM.
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