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Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Old 03-09-2009, 08:53 AM   #58
Professor S
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Default Re: New Watchmen Trailer

I've watched it and digested it. Here are a few notes:

1) Music - Yes, it was distractibg at times (Sound of Silence, 99 Luftballoons), but after thinking about it I thought most of it was appropiate. I will agree that the Jeff Buckley should have been used, but then again Shrek kind of stole that thunder, but the Hallelujah wasn't abnout sex... the sex wasn't about sex... it was about them finding their calling again.

Boogieman, Watchtower were especially well chosen, IMO. The score was not especially good, apart from the Manhattan sequence, but not distracting.

2) Aside from Malin Ackerman (she was kind of just "there" I thought the performances were very good - excellent. Jackie Earle Haley (I CALLED IT) stole the damn movie. He IS Rorschach. Morgan was also a standout as The Comedian, and that character was even more effective on screen. He was more dispicable and yet more relatable at the same time.

And I liked Patrick Wilson's version of Night Owl better than Moore's version, because the movie version seemed to be a man searching for his lost manhood rather than in the book where I wondered how he ever was a hero in the first place.

EDIT: Can't forget Billy Crudup as Dr. Manhattan. I will be the first to say I was wrong about there being no effects on his voice. The character needed that human element and Crudup played a man so detached but regretful of the detachment that it was a little painful.

3) Apart from the ending, which seemed rushed, I thought the movie was incredibly well edited and directed. The cemetery flashbacks and Manhattan scenes especially. Also, the inevitable comparisons to DK will comes, and one area where I will ay Snyder has it all over Nolan is fight scenes. Snyder knows how to block a fight scene and it was nice to see somewhat extended shots make it into the Bourne era cut/violence/cut/violence style. And no, the slo-mo wasn't distracting at all, and I found most of it appropriate and effective.

In the end, I'm eager to see the extended version as I think I lot of questions will be answered and hopefully the rushed ending will be fleshed out a bit more.

Last edited by Professor S : 03-09-2009 at 08:59 AM.
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