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Re: Wikileaks footage of US army gunship killing innocent people
Old 04-14-2010, 10:59 PM   #11
Fox 6
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Default Re: Wikileaks footage of US army gunship killing innocent people

Originally Posted by Professor S View Post
Neither is it an accident when guns like those are aimed, fired and used to kill American servicemen who are patrolling roads or guarding food and medicine deliveries. If you've seen your friends blown to pieces by IEDs I think you might find dark joy in killing those who you think may be partly responsible.

Again, not excusing anything, just giving perspective. War makes monsters of us all. The American military is not especially evil just because they were caught on tape.
I think more so than the "revenge" aspect is the aspect that these are young, testosterone filled males who are being trained to " kill kill kill" The culture in the armed forces is one that takes pride in their ability to kill their enemy, and when they are allowed to let loose, they relish it.

It's been this way since Vietnam, and has been well documented. I wouldn't go so far as to call it blood lust, but its almost there. Soldier Memoirs, embedded journalists, and documentaries all seem to portray this common theme, and this isn't just American soldiers, but a lot of armed forces.
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