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Re: LOST Tonight (2/9) - "What Kate Does"
Old 02-10-2010, 10:15 AM   #8
aka George Washington
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Default Re: LOST Tonight (2/9) - "What Kate Does"

How many? 15 episodes left? And they still have time to beat around the bush?

C'mon, no one wants melodrama about love anymore. We just want answers.

More notes on the alternate universe:

1. Claire still names her boy-to-be Aaron.
2. Kate still ends up helping Claire with her childbirth.
3. Claire presumably ends up keeping the baby herself.
4. Kate is still a scofflaw.
5. Dr. Ethan is there to help Claire in her pregnancy just like on the island, presumably because the island is destroyed and he never went there. Still, the coincidences are running high here.
6. Most interestingly, Kate seems to have a feeling of deja-vu when she hears Claire name the baby Aaron. A similar moment to Jack recognizing Desmond when on the plane. But, both situations could just be coincidence. Jack I think had met Desmond before. Kate may have just been surprised that Claire knew the name already.

Other thoughts:
So Sayid is not Jacob? It appears that way. So what is he? And apparently it relates to Claire.

EDIT: I forgot that Ethan was born on the island to Amy and Horace. How they ended up getting together off the island, and having a baby also named Ethan who also became a doctor is awfully coincidental.

Maybe the whole end of the season will be the two realities converging. The new universe being what would have happened, and the final end of the original timeline being that it never happened.

Last edited by manasecret : 02-10-2010 at 10:27 AM.
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