Thread: State of Fear
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Re: State of Fear
Old 05-06-2010, 06:03 PM   #5
Professor S
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Default Re: State of Fear

Originally Posted by Typhoid View Post
Nothing I said in this thread was on the note of "political correctness". It's been said because it's the truth. Ask anyone on the street to describe a terrorist, and 90% of the time they'll describe a Muslim, or a brown guy. There are white terrorists. Terrorism doesn't have a face, colour, or religion. Yet that's the way it's used now.
Wow, for someone who states that nothing they say involves political correctness, you sure express a ton of it in your opinion on terrorism. For the record, there are a lot of "brown people" all over the world. If you intend to address only those that live in the Middle East, I recommend being more specific.

Do we really need to have a conversation about the backgrounds of 90% (not an exact figure, obviously) of the terrorists in the world? Do we? Are we this intellectually dishonest and oblivious to the world around us? Do we know the religious background of the people currently declaring "JIHAD" against the US and the West in general?

Saying that the vast majority of terrorists are Muslim is not the same as saying all Muslims are terrorists or that there aren't non-muslim terrorists. The former is a statement of the obvious. The latter is a statement of ignorance.

Public discourse seems to have reduced to the point that people cannot make reasonable observations about the world around them without having some kind of evil attributed to them. Dear God what have we come to... Not all inconvenient thought is offensive.

Last edited by Professor S : 05-06-2010 at 06:17 PM.
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