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Re: No mohammed discussion?
Old 04-26-2010, 03:13 PM   #24
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Default Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by Typhoid View Post
I'm saying 1.something billion people believe in the existence of Allah, and the Prophet Mohammad. Even more so there are extremists within that religion who take the depiction of Mohammad (much like it says in their religious scriptures) very seriously.
So what? If 1 billion people are wrong in their belief does that make it okay? If thousands of Christians genuinely believed the world was flat and the earth was the center of the universe, would that belief be okay? What 1 billion wrong people believe has no implication on my right to free speech. Even if a part of those billion people live in the very country whose Constitution clearly states freedom of speech.

Originally Posted by Typhoid View Post
Religion has transcended proof, facts, and actual people existing. As long as enough people believe in it, it's real for them - and that's all that matters.
Again, that's total bullshit. See: world is flat.

Originally Posted by Typhoid View Post
But having Mohammad in a Bear Costume with a blue jersey that says "Bears" on it - you have to tell me that that wouldn't be a little blasphemous to someone who has no humour when it comes to his or her religion.
Sure, it is blasphemous to the person who has no humor. So what? That's the point of freedom of Speech. To piss off people who have no humor, and to entertain people who do have humor.

Originally Posted by Typhoid View Post
Also, "I don't think it's real" is pointless in this conversation. Why you'd say it is ridiculous.
It is relevant to this conversation because you brought up the word Nigger. Let us not forget that not too long ago South Park had an episode about that Nigger guy. And it didn't offend anyone (or anyone I know). In fact, it was hilarious! Actually, I'm not sure how that ties with the real thing. I just wanted to mention that South Park had an episode on the N-word.

I think "realness" ties into my point below though, which is you walk a fine line when you defend someone's fictional* belief.

*fictional, or until proven otherwise

Originally Posted by Typhoid View Post
If you had a thousands of year old text depicting those magical unicorns spreading positive messages, and had billions of followers (maybe even if you had millions) - yes, I'd respect that. But since you're just some dude over the internet in the middle of what I assume to be the United States who wants to slag on Islam because a cartoon can't make fun of someone's religion and you just started caring about this situation a few days ago when you saw it on the internet, no - I wouldn't respect your religion.
You're walking a fine line deciding whose beliefs are important. It's all or nothing buddy, especially in the spirit of the United States Constitution and the 1st Amendment (which is what this thread was kind of about). If we are going to defend the belief of some magical Muslim prophet guy because 1 million people have their religion, then you better be prepared to defend my belief in purple fairies or gay unicorns or whatever it is I want to believe in.

Also, I think you're missing the point. I'm not slagging on Islam. I'm slagging on Muslim extremists who are lashing out at people who want to parody religion. In case you missed the year 2010, every other person who practices every other religion besides Islam (with the exception of extremists and clergy) is okay with parody of religion. If they don't like it they don't watch it, or they have a sense of humor about it. I think the spirit of this thread has been that just because you are offended by something said, that does not give you the right to lash out with violent threats or violence. Why not make fun back? Or have a laugh? Or have a beer and sex? Oh wait...
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