Thread: Twilight?
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Re: Twilight?
Old 07-12-2010, 11:31 AM   #14
aka George Washington
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Default Re: Twilight?

Hmm I may just have to do this. Need some more rules for Jacob though.

I love bad-movie drinking games. My previous favorite is one my friends and I came up with for the hilariously bad, Michael-missing Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. Some of the rules I remember --

Take a drink any time you hear that goofy mask commercial music
Take a drink any time you hear the BYOOOOOOOOOOO eighties laser sound
Take a drink any time you see one of the Halloween masks
Take a drink any time our action hero Tom Atkins looks confused
Take two drinks any time Tom Atkins and his love-interest Ellie Grimbridge both look confused
Take a drink any time someone drinks or is buying alcohol in the middle of the day
Finish your drink any time you see Tom Atkins' pale nude ass

I think there may be more I'm forgetting, I'll have to play again.
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