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Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Old 03-11-2009, 08:30 AM   #66
Professor S
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Default Re: New Watchmen Trailer

One other thing that bothers mw when compared to the comic, is how they dehumanized Veidt. In the movie he never questions his actions, or doesn't until the last second, but in the book he openly weeps, expresses joy and then regret. I thought that would have been much more effective than the "comic book villain" they made him out to be in the movie. In the end, if you sympathize and feel more for the Comedian than you do for Veidt, you've failed that character.

I've never been orthodox in my books to movie transitions, but in this case I think the movie would have benefitted greatly from treating the end more like it was in the book, because in my opinion the end of the movie is what keeps this very affecting film from being a GREAT one that would have been remembered for changing superhero films even more than DK.

As for the actions sequences, though obligatory, I thought they added to the experience because it gave people an idea that these people were more than JUST troubled people in costumes, but were actual "heroes" which I think makes their tragic faults even more regrettable and gut wrenching. As I said before, the original Nite Owl was too much of a wuss and he needed a more masculine constumed side for his character to really work, IMO.

I'm still thinking about the movie days after it's release, and I'm eager to see it again, and I think that in itself says something for it. Hopefully they filmed an aletrnate, extended ending, and seeing how reverent Snyder was with the previous two acts, I wouldn't doubt the extended director's cut will have a slightly different and longer ending.
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