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Re: No mohammed discussion?
Old 04-26-2010, 04:52 PM   #37
aka George Washington
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Default Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by Teuthida View Post
*sigh* I thought I was done with this thread.

On science:
Everyone should be free to believe whatever cannot be proven by science. Don't believe in evolution or think the world is flat. We'll have words. Think there's an omniscient invisible dude in the sky? Whatever.
Pretty good definition, except nothing can be proven in science. There is simply a consensus on the best given theory. Most people, however, who say evolution is false or might think the world is flat, aren't actually interested in real science, despite what they might think. But anyway...

On respect:
If you trick a vegetarian into eating meat, you're a dick.
If you draw a swastika on someone's property, you're a dick.
If you call someone the n-word, you're a dick.
If you depict Mohammed, you're a dick.
If I could think up something for Christians to be a dick about I would but it seems most of them don't agree on anything and constantly break all their own rules anyway.
I just don't think those are equal. Maybe if you depict Mohammad, and then shoved it in front of a Muslim's face, forcing them to see it, then you're a dick. Depicting Mohammad in your own space or show? IMO that's hardly being a dick. Forcing someone to not depict Mohammad in their own space, and force it with fear of violence? THAT's being a dick, and far more.

Comedians can get away with racey material about their own race/religion. If you (not of that race/religon) do it, you're a dick and a bigot.

To summarize: Don't be a dick.
Disagree with this, too. Comedians do equal opportunity insulting all the time.
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