Thread: BP Oil Spill
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Re: BP Oil Spill
Old 06-27-2010, 10:02 AM   #32
Professor S
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Default Re: BP Oil Spill

Originally Posted by Dylflon View Post
Yeah, a large part of Louisiana is pretty much ruined, but oil spills seriously almost never happen!
I know you are being sarcastic, but you are actually correct. Are you only right when you don't mean to be? J/K

When a Pinto explodes it doesn't devastate an entire region's wild/ocean life and harm local business.
No, but the Pinto killed over two times as many people (27). And again, we know the comparable safety records of the oil companies on deep water rigs. BP's record was horrific, but but the other companies have great records. There is no reason to believe this will happen again any time in the next 40 years.

I mean, it sure does SOUND like Pres. Obama is doing something when he calls for a moratorium... and I guess that makes good press. The reality is all he's doing is hurting good people.

And yes, oil workers are going to have to lose jobs. Be it through a moratorium or for our eventual need to get off of oil.
There is a difference between gradually moving off of oil and naturally transferring employment from one sector to another and immediately putting people out of work.

If the goal is to "get us off oil", a moratorium is probably the dumbest method one could choose, but again, it sounds good. I guess that's all that matters?
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