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Re: What Are you Watching? (TV Edition)
Old 06-30-2020, 09:59 AM   #3
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Default Re: What Are you Watching? (TV Edition)

My wife and I have also been working through the Harley Quinn cartoon on the rare occasion the kids are gone. When it was originally announced I was very disinterested in the show. I'm not generally a fan of taking things that we knew as children (in this case, superheroes) and trying to make them as ADULT as possible. Seems the opposite of "adult" in general.

Then I heard some good things about the show, so we tried the first episode but the opening scene is basically a "This is not your Daddy's DC Universe" manifesto and put me right off. My wife also said it was "too much", so we stopped there.

But then I kept hearing really good things about it and saw a couple of clips that were pretty funny so we tried it again and this time forced our way through the first episode and ultimately enjoyed it.

Currently I think we're just a couple of episodes from being caught up.

The language is gratuitous, but it doesn't skimp on characterization so there is depth there. Its not just cursing and violence because, tee hee, these are children's characters swearing and slicing people in half, you know? When it does parody a character (in this case, most of the good guys are mainly satirical versions of themselves) it does so without criticizing those characters, but poking fun at their idiosyncrasies in a sort of affectionate way.

Anyway, its a pretty fun show. Recommend.
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