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Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Old 02-13-2012, 05:21 PM   #279
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Default Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Typhoid View Post
I was into that scene because there were no zombies involved. Like, the people are the threat - the zombie apocalypse is just the setting. The whole time that scene was going on I thought "That John Leguizamo fuck looks like he's going to try start some shit."

I like how every interaction with other humans is always intense, because the humans have thoughts, and plans. The zombies have shit except for numbers, and surprise tactics.
THIS is what the Walking Dead is about, dude. It's not about the's about what extent the humans will go to in order to survive. So far the show has completely missed this, and last night was a total step in the right direction.

I could give a fuck less about Zombie Sophia. I do not give a single shit. The character was not developed, and the first 7 episodes were a meandering cluster fuck of bad dialog and horrible editing. But last night, when Dale confronted Lori about Shane? Holy shit! That was intense. Or Rick going all "I'm gonna protect my clan at any extent." That's the Rick I know...not the whiny soap opera bitch we have had to deal with for the first half of this season. I really hope they keep this up.

In one episode this show hit the nail in the head in terms of what I enjoyed about the comics. If the show continues down this very dark and uneasy path....wowza. I mean, when a show has a good overall story, I don't get bored and I don't nitpick over bad dialog or inconsistencies. I'm sure a show like Breaking Bad has gaps in writing quality...but I was too busy not noticing because the show is so awesome. (I need to stop using that as a comparison though, because I'm pretty sure Breaking Bad is the best drama I've ever that show is basically the bar).

Last edited by KillerGremlin : 02-14-2012 at 04:34 AM.
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