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Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Old 10-27-2011, 11:42 PM   #3
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Default Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Man, some of you guys are being way too harsh on the show, in my opinion. If theres a human corpse in a car in the comic you'd pay it no mind, but since it's in the show it's all "What the hell, why arent these people zombies!". Maybe they didn't get bit. Maybe they died in a car accident involving all of those cars plugging up the highway. It's not like death by zombie is the only way people can die in this show.

About the zombies being fast - so what. He can do what he wants. Zombies aren't real. He can make them fly if he wants. He can give them all tophats. And if he does, that will then become fact in his universe. Vampires used to be evil terrorizing figures, then suave womanizers, then bad metrosexual actors. The cycle of imaginary monsters' behaviour usually changes from one fictional story to the next fictional story. Besides, not only are slow zombies boring, it's been raped to death. And, they're not really zombie zombies anyways.

I don't mind Dale, the character. I figured they were going for the "Everyone can survive, even nice old grandpa-types" aspect, and maybe picked a less badass dude just because it would make people care more about the character if he was a nice old man who attempts to keep spirits up rather than some grizzled old cunt who takes pleasure in decapitating infected human beings.

I think all the actors are pretty decent at their jobs. They seem like believable real people to me, most of the time. If they were hell-bent on destroying zombies (immediately from day 1) that would stretch it a little far.

I do hate the character of Andrea though. But i'm assuming/hoping they're weakening her way down to have some mega moment that will just beef that chick up into some heartless badass killer.
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