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Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Old 10-19-2011, 03:49 PM   #13
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Default Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Angrist View Post
Oh and the 'zombie herd' thing when they hid under the cars just took way too long. 10 minutes long nothing happened. Oh and 2 idiots almost get themselves killed in the stupidest way ever.
People these days, all about action, action, action. Nobody's mind has any time for suspense anymore. It's sad, really.

Scenes like that is why I like the show. I don't like it for the mutilations or the decapitations, or even because it has zombies in it. I watch it because it's one of the few horror-genre shows that has 'classic' suspenseful moments (That I'm aware of), where there is no dialogue, just anticipation. And who knows, sometimes the anticipation leads to nothing. Take the first episode when Rick's walking down the dark set of stairs exiting the hospital. All you can hear is the guy breathing, and occasionally see him light a match. No zombies. No yelling. No guts or murder. Just anticipation.

I like the show for the "Holy fuck there's zombies, what the fuck do we do? Shut up, be quiet!" rather than the "Holy fuck there's zombies, quick, let's let a million bullets fly and bash all of their heads in!" But don't get me wrong - every once in a while that's a pro.

Again, I just keep comparing it to Mad Men, or Breaking Bad, or Boardwalk Empire, even Homeland the new Showtime show. They're just better produced, written, and more interesting shows.
Personally I don't find that fair. Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, and Generic Showtime Show C aren't based on comic books. Now granted I don't know how well Walking Dead is sticking to the comic book story, but I assume they're probably just presenting the comic book to a wider audience, rather than making a completely new show where the writers have total freedom, like they do in those shows you mentioned. I don't know.
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