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Re: Opinion: Movies are out, TV is in?
Old 07-07-2011, 09:57 PM   #8
No Pants
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Default Re: Opinion: Movies are out, TV is in?

Originally Posted by Bond View Post
Where / what (other than Mad Men)?
That shit is on my to-watch list, so no worries.

I'm currently working through Dexter, which has been long overdue. And damn...

Breaking Bad is awesome. I am still behind on Weeds which I followed through season 3. My friends has me watching House/Bones, which is fine but I did give up on House post-season 3.

My comedy rotation includes Archer, South Park, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and a backlog of Simpsons episodes. Oh and Bob's Burgers and Modern Family. I'm behind (or I should say, WTF is going on) in The Office, I need to watch 30 Rock, Community and Parks and Recreation.

There is Season 2 of The Walking Dead. I am currently following Justified which is awesome FX-western drama. I am going to follow Wilfred but currently the show is pretty hit and miss for me.

Dr. Who is on my to-watch, along with Supernatural and recently I have taken some interest in Battlestar Galactica. That is such an epic series though that I want to give it the proper time. And I need to be in the mood.

I have Rome and Mad Men on my queue, along with about 20 other shows. And this is excluding reality TV stuff that I love (mostly food network) like Chopped and Iron Chef America.

And then there is my guilty pleasure, Chuck...which is supposedly rounding out it's last 13 episodes.

Add to the list re-runs of Futurama and Seinfeld, new episodes of the Tosh.0 and the Daily Show, and there is no reason to not watch TV.

And I haven't even tapped into the whole vampire bullshit craze, the old Marvel/DC animated cartoons I want to revisit someday, and rewatching shows I really like.

Again, I maintain....that RIGHT NOW, TV blows THE SHIT out of cinema. Ain't no way cinema can keep up in character and story development.

Certainly a movie could make a bigger impact than any television show...movies can be poignant and powerful, and they are often very artistic in ways that TV simply cannot be.
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