Thread: Bin Laden Dead
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Re: Bin Laden Dead
Old 05-03-2011, 11:07 AM   #9
Professor S
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Default Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Teuthida View Post
And according to Bush we invaded Iraq because of WMDs. I don't give credence to Bush's rationale for anything.
I was referring to Afghanistan. You are correct about Iraq.

Once again, one guilty dude's death vs [insert number here] of innocents.
Again, I reject the supposition of your argument, so there is little to argue about here. We are talking about two different things.

The past is past. Was just saying it would be better to reflect on what brought us to this point and tread more carefully than we have been, instead of mindlessly chanting "USA USA".
In the long run, of course, but I think America can share a brief shared sigh of relief before the "boo birds" start chirping. Its just not good form, IMO.

I don't have anymore time today to post. Have yourself some pie.
Pie is delicious, but I'm on Atkins... great... now I want pie.

P.S. I would like to have a thread on education in the future if just so I can learn why things are the way they are.
Oh wow, that could take days and it goes all the way back to FDR and the red-lining of districts during the days of the NRA.
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