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Re: Final Fantasy Megathread
Old 01-15-2011, 04:05 AM   #78
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Default Re: Final Fantasy Megathread

And I've beaten XII! Done! Yep, 7 months since my last post in this thread (where I announced I was on VII) and I've finished the marathon. Not really much a marathon, I guess, since there was a big break, but hey! I beat them all...

What happened was I beat VII pretty quickly after my previous post. VIII went by pretty swiftly as well. IX didn't last long at all. I started on X, but I didn't move very quickly. It hadn't really been that long since I had beaten it last, so it all felt really deja vuish. As I had predicted, my excitement kind of ended after I beat VIII. It was the last game I hadn't really played in a long time.

I was muscling through, though, but then Dragon Quest IX came out. If we're being honest, the DQ series has always been much closer to my gaming heart than FF; its just much less available. Then that got me on a bit of a DQ kick (similar to how FFXIII got me on a FF kick) so I messed around with a couple of those. Then I got some new games and started playing those...

It took a while for me to get back to X. I had left off right before Operation Mi'hen. I picked it back up a little while ago. Pushed through. Started XII and pushed through that. And now I'm done! I thought about doing XIII again since its been over a year, but I've really soured on it since then and I'm not up to going through it again. Plus, I've already got a backlog (who doesn't?) and, icing on the cake, DQVI is getting released for the first time in America on Valentine's Day, so.. No XIII.

I'm going to go ahead and finish the thread off. I'll do the write-ups for the games post V and my impressions over the next few days or so. Maybe a couple tonight. This way I can say I did it "proper" or something.
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