Originally Posted by TheSlyMoogle
Actually, TheGame, that was highly rude of you to post something like that in a thread. I find that to be very personal. Damn man.
How is it rude? He's against the government doing something for him that he needed... and trying to justify it. I don't think that's rude, I'm just pointing out that he's a hypocrite.
People like to forget why things like unemployment payments were created in the first place. It's not because the government wanted more control over people's lives, it's because these corperations that Strangler has so much trust in could get rid of their employees at any time for any reason and bump them into an instant state of poverty. (People who have potential to get another job, but not nessicarily another job before rent is due next month...)
The second we bring up any subject about the government helping people who are truely in need for different reasons, he's strongly against it since he never had to take it himself.