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Re: Court Strikes Down Hand-Gun Ban
Old 06-28-2010, 11:33 PM   #4
Fox 6
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Default Re: Court Strikes Down Hand-Gun Ban

Originally Posted by Professor S View Post
Get 350 million people fired up and they would overthrow any army with .22s. They likely could overthrown the government with pitchforks.

And why do you think we're trying to win the hearts and minds of those people? Its our best chance of winning and the only reason why we won in Iraq.

And so would we if we fought for years and years against what we thought was a tyrannical government. They had success before they ever had that experience.
1. Then why not limit the 2nd amendment to .22's and pitchforks if that's all it takes?

Also you magically made up about 50 million people....

2. if the US populace had to rise up and fight the government in this age that would be a fictional "apocalyptic" situation. Part of my reasoning about the "that works for that time period, but now?" comment is that you are the friggin USA, The government and military would never turn against the populace at all. That is the whole point of democracy, and if you think its going to crumble and some crazy regime is going to sprout up, then you may be reading too many right wing news letters or attending too many conspiracy meetings. Also i think you should use the term "won" loosely, as you are still fighting, and only time will tell if the desired outcome happens when western forces leave the middle east.

3. Now you're just throwing "ifs" around and dabbling in hypothetical situations to aid your point. AMERICANS haven't had to fight a tyrannical governments have you? so again, you cant compare fighting insurgents to the American populace and call them both untrained combatants.

Last edited by Fox 6 : 06-29-2010 at 01:09 AM.