Thread: State of Fear
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Re: State of Fear
Old 05-10-2010, 06:50 AM   #1
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Default Re: State of Fear

Originally Posted by Professor S View Post
ANGRIST: Sorry I hijacked this thing. What is the major reason given for terrorism in your country? We hear so much about Islamic extremists and Irish separatists that other motives and examples get lost. I'm curious.
I don't know what reason is given for the terrorism in our country. Perhaps that's because nobody here has tried to blame something/someone for what happened.
In 2002 political party leader Pim Fortuyn was murdered. He was very anti-immigration. He was not killed by a muslim, nor was he killed for being anti-immigration. He was killed by a guy from my study town (Wageningen), because Pim Fortuyn was also pro-fur. The murderer was smart and educated. My town apparently 'harbors' left extremists (we do have a lot of hippies here).
So it was just 1 guy who thought it was better for the country if Pim Fortuyn died.

In 2004 Theo van Gogh was killed by a muslim extremist with both the Dutch and Maroccan nationality. Apparently Van Gogh had insulted the islam, I didn't really follow the news.

In 2009 eight people were killed by a anti royal family guy who drove in on a crowd close to the royal family.

Animal rights organizations also use terrorism from time to time. They torched a butchery, threw in windows of a McDonalds, liberated animals, threatened people, etc.

Other than that, there have been several arrests of muslims, but no actions of terrorism. I guess we're too sober to start blaming everything/everybody.
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