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Re: This or That: Metal Gear
Old 04-07-2010, 09:36 AM   #12
The Greatest One
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Default Re: This or That: Metal Gear

Originally Posted by capablemachine View Post
Of all the metal gears it has the least gameplay. I mean you can do a speed run in less time but the only thing that holds you up is waiting in Act 3 for a whistling man who is supposed to be inconspicuous.
Depends on how you do it.

Since the game is in a more "open" environment that doesn't kick your butt too hard for being caught, and it gives you the fire power to fight back.. yeah you could play the game like it's Halo, and just run through it and blast your way to the end pretty easy (on the easier modes).

If you really want to play the game like its a sneaking mission, and get minimal alerts and kills... Then suddenly it turns into argueably the longest MGS game.

My biggest downside with MGS4 was TOO much hype and public info. I actually had the joy of playing MGS 1-3. and MGX 1-2 with very limited spoilers. While MGS4, I pretty much understood the whole story before I started it. So it didn't have that same shock value as the other games. (Though, the ending acts they managed to keep secret pretty well.. and that was worth it.)
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