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Re: Reconciling the American Dream with the Least Among Us
Old 03-08-2010, 05:02 PM   #14
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Default Re: Reconciling the American Dream with the Least Among Us

I'm not getting into this too much, as Bond and I have already talked about it to an extent, but the American Dream is bullshit. Plain and simple.

If you honestly believe the majority of rich people are rich because they were dedicated and hard working, that's bullshit too. Most of the rich people you know and hear about go from rags to riches sure, but the majority of them don't. Those who get rich stay that way, as well as their descendants.

And while we're here look up class mobility in the united states. Which by the way has been on a steady decline since 1970, and only managed to stabilize, yet not increase in the last decade.

Rising cost of tuition, and absolute dependency on a college degree have really fucked things up when it comes to the american dream.

Generation after Generation we vote those into power over our laws and government who are the people of the upper class, and they make the decisions for us. No one else sees a problem in that? Probably not.

This shit wont change until people wake the fuck up and realize what's actually important at the end of the day.

Unfortunately the nation isn't moving towards anything that resembles the Star Trek universe and it probably never will, so hey whatever. I fully look for someone to blow the USA up in the next 50-100 years anyway.

I know Prof is going to have something to say about this, and I'm going to go ahead an throw out that we clearly had vastly different sociology professors.
Guilty Gear Anyone?

Last edited by TheSlyMoogle : 03-08-2010 at 05:13 PM.
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