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Re: Them Crooked Vultures
Old 11-14-2009, 04:25 PM   #9
No Pants
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Default Re: Them Crooked Vultures

What a fun album. To me this album is like a tribute album to good rock.

First off....Scumbag Blues totally borrowed some riffage from Cream:

Now onwards with my thoughts....first Dave Grohl and Josh Homme teamed up on Songs for the Deaf. So the combination of Grohl and Homme should be natural as they have already worked together before on what is easily one of the best albums to come out in the past 10 years. This is quite evident I think since a lot of the bells and whistles on the Them Crooked Vulture's album sound like they came from the QotSA bag of tricks.

There are so many Zeppeliny moments on this album though.

And when John Paul Jones throws in the keyboard, oh on Bandoliers which has a totally fucking epic keyboard part and goes back back to the Kashmir days. And oh my Grohl the drum part on Bandoliers is the most thumping and fucking awesome thing I have heard on an album in a long time.

I mean right now I have to say this album sounds like a Zeppelin-Songs for the Deaf science experiment that rocks like a good rock album should.

Fans of rock, QotSA or Zeppelin owe it to themselves to check this out.
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