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Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Old 11-17-2008, 09:45 AM   #15
Professor S
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Default Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Originally Posted by Angrist View Post
Shouldn't the trailer reflect that? Now they're just trying to be another cool super hero movie. Some kind of messed up X-Men.
I honestly don't see how you get any of that from the Watchmen trailers. The entire mood of the movies is completely different and they set everything up as a mystery in the superhero universe rather than anything remotely traditional for a comic movie.

As for reflecting irony in a trailer, I'd imagine that would be impossible with the time contraints. The entire depth of this story would be impossible to relay in a trailer. But in the end, I'd love for those who have not read the book to go into this movie with the preconceptions shown here, and then see your reaction afterward. I think it will be interesting. And besides, if given the vhoice, I always prefer to watch the movie first and then read the book. As movies can spoil beloved books, but books rarely spoil beloved movies, they simply make the experience grander.

Looking at the reactions, I can see this movie getting wildly conflicted reviews. Watchmen is a deconstruction of traditional comic universes, and in movie for a deconstructions of the comic book movie. Looking at the trailers, I think Snyder has hit the nail on the head, but in doing so he is expecting his audience to be intimatelyfamiliar with comic book themes and schemas. I think snyder's challenge will be to create a fun movie for those looking for a comic movie, and a thoughtful piece for those looking to see a reflection of Alan Moore's critically best work (personally, I still hold his Swamp Thing run in higher regard even if it's less unique).

As for Xena, her look is the point, but I'll let you discover than for yourself. If you think those costumes look silly, wait until you see the one's from the flashbacks...

Last edited by Professor S : 11-17-2008 at 09:51 AM.
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