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Re: Last movies you saw
Old 07-28-2008, 08:17 PM   #327
The Germanator
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Default Re: Last movies you saw

I saw Step-Brothers a couple of days ago...It was...interesting. 10 minutes in you basically know that the plot is going absolutely nowhere and is more or less pointless. It's as if Ferrell, Reilly, and Apatow just said "wouldn't it be funny if we just had these two 40 year olds who become step-brothers, and then in turn act like 9 years for 1.5 hours? Who cares if it doesn't make sense, we'll write about 100 good one-liners and we're good to go!"

That said, it is actually pretty funny, and part of me respects that they just threw out the idea of having an intelligible plot and just went straight for the funny lines. I heard that the original cut of the film was 5.5 hours, and that would have probably been unbearable, but at 1.5 hours I recommend it, it made me laugh enough to warrant a trip to the movies.
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