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Bond 10-25-2011 05:19 PM

Best Political Ad Ever


Combine 017 10-25-2011 06:36 PM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever
I liked the theme song.

Acebot44 10-25-2011 06:42 PM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever
Pretty sure you meant to post this

Jason1 10-25-2011 08:27 PM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever
Lol Herman Cain

The Germanator 10-26-2011 02:03 PM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever
Here's another. WTF.

Professor S 10-26-2011 02:28 PM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever
I seriously don't understand the voting public anymore, or at least those that respond to polls.

Democrat or Republican, it's as if inexperience and personality completely trump experience and intelligence. First over 50% elect the most inexperienced president in history, who ran on feelings and not substance, and has presided over the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression or Carter Malaise (not sure which, but both were bad).

Now in response to this presidential election cycle, one that should be a teed-up softball for Republicans, the base constantly pushes dithering blowhards instead of qualified candidates. Now we have Herman Cain, while he may be a nice man with his heart in the right place, pushes poor domestic policy and has nothing of value to say on international affairs.

I seriously don't understand how people like Ryan, Daniels, or Christie didn't take advantage of this opportunity.


Bond 10-26-2011 08:26 PM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever
This may be the best yet:

Professor S 10-27-2011 07:55 AM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever
This is my favorite political ad, but he won't run for president...

thatmariolover 10-28-2011 12:35 PM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 279174)
I seriously don't understand the voting public anymore, or at least those that respond to polls.

Democrat or Republican, it's as if inexperience and personality completely trump experience and intelligence. First over 50% elect the most inexperienced president in history, who ran on feelings and not substance, and has presided over the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression or Carter Malaise (not sure which, but both were bad).

Now in response to this presidential election cycle, one that should be a teed-up softball for Republicans, the base constantly pushes dithering blowhards instead of qualified candidates. Now we have Herman Cain, while he may be a nice man with his heart in the right place, pushes poor domestic policy and has nothing of value to say on international affairs.

I seriously don't understand how people like Ryan, Daniels, or Christie didn't take advantage of this opportunity.


Right, because it's Obama that's responsible for the lack of recovery and not the political gridlock clusterfuck that has become our Congress. :rolleyes:

Honestly, Obama's like the best Republican president this country has seen in ages. If the actual Republican party hadn't gone batshit crazy and taken four steps to the right in the last 20 years, he'd look perfectly normal on your platform.

Professor S 10-28-2011 01:00 PM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever

Originally Posted by thatmariolover (Post 279203)
Right, because it's Obama that's responsible for the lack of recovery and not the political gridlock clusterfuck that has become our Congress. :rolleyes:

There are 15 recovery bills sitting in the Senate waiting for Reid to bring to the floor. This president and the democrats are playing politics just like the republicans.

GiMpY-wAnNaBe 01-17-2012 11:34 AM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 279205)
There are 15 recovery bills sitting in the Senate waiting for Reid to bring to the floor. This president and the democrats are playing politics just like the republicans.

These are the conditions under which Obama came to power - its like getting pissed off at a WWF (or WW, or WWE, w/e) wrestler for not actually fighting. Take interest groups out of the equation and then maybe a public body CAN actually function to serve the people who elected them, not the people who fund them.

Just my two cents.

Professor S 01-17-2012 12:54 PM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever

Originally Posted by GiMpY-wAnNaBe (Post 280831)
These are the conditions under which Obama came to power - its like getting pissed off at a WWF (or WW, or WWE, w/e) wrestler for not actually fighting. Take interest groups out of the equation and then maybe a public body CAN actually function to serve the people who elected them, not the people who fund them.

Yes, but has Pres. Obama done anything about special interests since he came to power? Has he even spoke out about any of this nonsense unless it benefits his own party?

In fact, in his election he broke the first promise he made: He will only take public funds for his campaign. Instead, he became the largest recipient of wallstreet political donations in history, and some estimate he'll raise $1 Billion for his re-election.

He has joined in the process, and you could argue has made it far worse, instead of fixing it like he promised he would.

BreakABone 01-17-2012 01:40 PM

Re: Best Political Ad Ever

This is the best political ad ever

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