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Professor S 03-29-2011 08:17 AM

Did We Elect a New President or Not?
Let's see...

- Continuation of tax cuts
- Expanding discretionary spending
- Expanding entitlement sending
- Exploding national debt
- Continuing the wars he voted against and ran against
- and now, starting a THIRD war in a Muslim nation with no exit strategy (they won't even target the man who is committing the atrocities)

I didn't like George W. Bush as a President, and I certainly don't like George W. Bush on steroids as President now.

Angrist 03-29-2011 12:04 PM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?
A political leader that disappoints, how surprising!

TheGame 03-29-2011 01:44 PM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 275611)
Let's see...

- Continuation of tax cuts
- Expanding discretionary spending
- Expanding entitlement sending
- Exploding national debt
- Continuing the wars he voted against and ran against
- and now, starting a THIRD war in a Muslim nation with no exit strategy (they won't even target the man who is committing the atrocities)

I didn't like George W. Bush as a President, and I certainly don't like George W. Bush on steroids as President now.

Good luck finding a democrat or republican in politics these days who wouldn't do all of the above listed. Everything listed above was either supported or done by both democrats and republicans in the last 6 years.

I wouldn't call Obama as bad or worse then Bush, based on the fact that Bush caused almost every issue that Obama is facing now (mainly the breaking of the economy by trying to restructure it from the top down instead of the bottom up, and the wars). The only difference between Dems and Republicans to me at this point is that Republicans openly support taking away all entitlements and programs for the poor while openly supporting welfare and extra security for the rich... while Dems claim they're in favor of helping the poor, and claim they're against welfare for the rich and do it anyway.

So lets see
-Bush started 2 wars (one on falst pretense), Obama is about to start one, and is about to end one.
-Bush started the economically insane tax cuts for the rich, and Obama continued it with support from the Republican party.
-The national debt exploded under bush's watch (the buget was balanced when he started), the debt is still bad under Obama's watch, and it was bad before he got in.

And that's just in responce to the points you put. Lets not forget the legacy of Bush:

Is Obama as bad as Bush? No. Is Obama an angel? No. With the incentive structure set up in the country as-is, would anything have been handled differently if Mccain won? Possibly, but as long as the concept of taking from the poor to feed the rich agenda keeps being pushed.. which would have happened under Mccain too... we'd be screwed either way.

Welcome to the new America.

Jason1 03-29-2011 10:15 PM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?
I agree this new war blows, and I HATED HATED HATED that Obama gave in to the Republicans to extend the tax cuts. That bugs me the most really, he said he would end those tax cuts, and he didnt. The filthy rich in this country were quite literally holding the poor hostage, and Obama wouldnt stand up for them.

That being said, Obama is trying to do the best he can with the cards he was dealt. Not everything has gone his way. He has done quite a bit of good, such as the Healthcare act, and the repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell, 2 things that NEVER would have gotten done under McCain. (of course there are numerous other things)

As for how much worse it would have been if we had gotten McCain/Palin? LOL. Dont get me started. Thankfully the majority of people still have some sense in this country.

Typhoid 03-30-2011 01:47 AM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?

and Obama wouldnt stand up for them.
Isn't it more that he couldn't, not wouldn't?
When he was trying to make changes - the Republicans tore him apart and blocked (I'm not sure if it's literally true) everything he proposed and tried to pass.

Now instead of being a savoir for Democrats, he's just another Republican pawn who's sleeping in a giant house until they can try get another upper-class white guy in there.

Bond 03-30-2011 12:59 PM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?
I thought Obama made a plausible moral case to militarily uphold the U.N. Resolution protecting Libyan civilians; however, he gave no objective to accomplish and no timetable for enforcement. Also, there are now apparently talks of arming the rebels? Uh .... history?

Also, it's probably a good thing [for Obama] Robert Gates is resigning soon - it's clear he doesn't support this war.

TheGame 03-30-2011 01:10 PM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 275622)
Isn't it more that he couldn't, not wouldn't?


Obama's strategy of coming out of the gate giving republicans a consession on bills and action plans before the Republicans even fight for it is epic fail. It just causes them to run him over more and fight for more and more consessions.

He needs to present ideas that are purely liberal, and have republicans fight to make any change, then he can blame the consessions on them.

But the thing is, Republicans aren't conservitave anymore, and Democrats aren't liberal. They're both corperatists. The only changes that make it help the top 5% of people in this country get richer. Now everything is falling apart because of this.

Seth 04-01-2011 12:04 AM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?
It's interesting listening to Wesley Clark talk about his experience with Rumsfeld and co.

2nd post down video.

KillerGremlin 04-01-2011 07:43 PM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?
I know America has the number 1 military, but we are rapidly declining in just about everything else....if history is any indicator, we are the next Rome, right?

Shit, I don't know a lot about politics and for the past year or two I have stayed away from this stuff because I am:

A) Lazy
B) Not the guy who is going to start the revolution

So yeah. Call me when our "two-party" system actually offers options. Until then, I vote based on minor details like abortion.

Seth 04-02-2011 02:54 AM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?
It's 18 minutes so... On the G20 summit beat down
But it confirms what was obvious from the burning cruiser footage at the time.

Police State Canada from bill johnson on Vimeo.

Dylflon 05-02-2011 02:56 PM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 275611)
I didn't like George W. Bush as a President

Seems like I remember a different past than you do.

Edit: I tried to go back and prove this statement false but then I remembered how antagonistic I used to be about your country's politics and decided to leave it be. I'm going to leave my original post unedited for jokes.

Bush lover.

Professor S 05-02-2011 07:53 PM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?

Originally Posted by Dylflon (Post 276115)
Seems like I remember a different past than you do.

Edit: I tried to go back and prove this statement false but then I remembered how antagonistic I used to be about your country's politics and decided to leave it be. I'm going to leave my original post unedited for jokes.

It could be that or the fact that I have always been critical of Bush as a domestic President, and your search through my past posts confirms it. Its called: "Having a nuanced opinion."


Dylflon 05-03-2011 05:40 AM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 276132)
"Having a nuanced opinion."

Nope, not allowed. Live up to the stereotypical Bush-era with us or against us no grey area attitude that I've been trained to expect by your media.

Professor S 05-03-2011 08:16 AM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?
LOL! At you're self-aware.

Typhoid 05-04-2011 07:04 PM

Re: Did We Elect a New President or Not?
You did elect a new President by the way.
He's black.
Thread answered.

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