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The Germanator 05-01-2011 10:55 PM

Bin Laden Dead
Killed by US action. The US has his body. Obama to speak soon. Wow.

BreakABone 05-01-2011 11:02 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Yeah, its been crazy on the web.

But huge news.

Neo 05-01-2011 11:43 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Huge boost for Obama.

Vampyr 05-01-2011 11:51 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Is anyone else ready to watch this now?

BreakABone 05-01-2011 11:59 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Combine 017 05-02-2011 12:03 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Now create world peace and lower gas prices.

BreakABone 05-02-2011 12:15 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

For those who didn't see the speech

Bond 05-02-2011 12:54 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Fox 6 05-02-2011 01:01 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
When is the movie coming out?

Dylflon 05-02-2011 05:23 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Too bad George W. Bush already blew the aircraft carrier and 'mission accomplished' banner budget. As well as the rest of your guys' money.

Professor S 05-02-2011 08:35 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Dylflon (Post 276099)
Too bad George W. Bush already blew the aircraft carrier and 'mission accomplished' banner budget. As well as the rest of your guys' money.

Well at least no one made this political...:rolleyes:

Anyway, hats off the the President for giving the go ahead for committing to an action deep in Pakistan. With so many stories of American military mistakes and stagnation, its good to see a military action where the good guys live, the bad guys die, and everything goes as planned.

Navy Seals, bitches.

And yes, I'm waiting for the movie.

Vampyr 05-02-2011 10:44 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Evidently they have footage of the attack.

I bet they'll use it as the intro video for Modern Warfare 3.

KillerGremlin 05-02-2011 12:38 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
It was amazing to see all the people in DC and at Ground Zero last's hard to believe (IMO) that people still have hung onto to the actions of ONE guy. I mean....since 9/11....2 wars....a trillion+ spent....over 900,000+ dead...Patriot Act....TSA ass rape....

To say the least, a lot has changed in 10 years. I wonder if (and we can reflect on this some years into the future I am sure) the events of the past 10 years really did hinge on one act of terrorism driven by an organization lead by Osama, or if the pieces would have fallen into place anyway due to larger political issues.

Anyway, I always enjoy these brief moments of American unity where everyone gets together and celebrates how great it is to be an American. I hope this signifies a turning point for our country over the next 10 years.

Teuthida 05-02-2011 12:48 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
^ The last brief moment of American unity was right after 9/11...and look how well that turned out.

Dylflon 05-02-2011 02:50 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Prof: If you don't want me to make things political through my joking/seriousness, then get out of the politics forum. USA! USA! USA!

Angrist 05-02-2011 03:38 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
I personally think Osama Bin Laden stole Obama's birth certificate.

It's the only logical explanation.

KillerGremlin 05-02-2011 03:59 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 276109)
^ The last brief moment of American unity was right after 9/11...and look how well that turned out.

Well, that's the thing. Immediately following 9-11, there was a lot of hatred for Al Qaeda. Perhaps some of it was misguided...but hindsight is 20/20. When we went to war I would say it was a pretty 50-50 thing with a lot of people not wanting to go. But we had a solid scapegoat....terrorists. So now that there is no Osama Bin Laden, I suspect that the populace will be less enthusiastic about the war (which is also misguided o_O).

Dylflon 05-02-2011 04:23 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Interesting article on the effect of Bin Laden on America.

KillerGremlin 05-02-2011 04:45 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Dylflon (Post 276124)
Interesting article on the effect of Bin Laden on America.

Yup. This articles hits the nail on the head and kind of reflects the direction I was pointing my last two posts. After consideration, I don't think you can have a free society and never have terrorism. But accepting that implication hurts. It's not ideal, and my guess is that most people don't want to hear it. Hence...the past 10 years.

So then it becomes a policy debate around "where is the middle ground." What has the increased airport security, or the wars, or the Patriot Act really done to stop terrorism? And, how much have those measures helped compared to how much they have hurt us.

I think it will be under misguided pretense that many people will believe that we have absolved terrorism by dethroning Osama. We have crushed the Al Queda! My biggest concern at this point is that people won't actually learn from the history of the past 10 years, and lord knows if you don't learn from the past you inevitably repeat it.

Professor S 05-02-2011 07:31 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Osama Bin laden is killed, and within one page of posts, not 24 hours later, it becomes about how awful America is. Amazing. Can't there be one day, one happy day, where people can just objectively admit America did something right without having to compulsively slap a "but" at the end?

America could cure cancer and we'd see posts about how unfair America is to malignant tumors.

Fox 6 05-02-2011 08:26 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 276131)
Osama Bin laden is killed, and within one page of posts, not 24 hours later, it becomes about how awful America is. Amazing. Can't there be one day, one happy day, where people can just objectively admit America did something right without having to compulsively slap a "but" at the end?

America could cure cancer and we'd see posts about how unfair America is to malignant tumors.

But isn't freedom of opinion the most worthwhile America stands for?


Sorry couldnt help but fan the fire hee hee

Combine 017 05-02-2011 08:33 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 276101)
Anyway, hats off the the President for giving the go ahead for committing to an action deep in Pakistan. With so many stories of American military mistakes and stagnation, its good to see a military action where the good guys live, the bad guys die, and everything goes as planned.

In the eyes of Al Qaeda the good guys die and the bad guys won.

I dont think American forces are going to leave Iraq now either.
At least at the end of WW1 they left Germany, and that turned out fine.

Professor S 05-02-2011 08:41 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Combine 017 (Post 276135)
In the eyes of Al Qaeda the good guys die and the bad guys won..

And a rapist believes his victims "asked for it". Hitler believed Jews were pests to be exterminated for the good of the world. Evil always believes it is justified.

Combine 017 05-02-2011 09:10 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 276136)
And a rapist believes his victims "asked for it". Hitler believed Jews were pests to be exterminated for the good of the world. Evil always believes it is justified.

Thats true, I quite frequently think im justified.

What did they do with Bin Ladens body anyways?
I heard they "buried" it at sea.

And dont add periods to the end of my quotes, thats tampering of personal documents.

Fox 6 05-02-2011 09:19 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Way to lose a multi-million dollar helicopter in the Op. LOLZ :lolz:


Professor S 05-02-2011 10:04 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Combine 017 (Post 276137)
Thats true, I quite frequently think im justified.

What did they do with Bin Ladens body anyways?
I heard they "buried" it at sea.

It's preserved in amber in Paraguay, next to Hitler's brain.

Combine 017 05-02-2011 10:07 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 276140)
It's preserved in amber in Paraguay, next to Hitler's brain.

Along with dinosaur DNA inside a mosquito. :p

Swan 05-02-2011 11:25 PM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Ok, just to get this straight I am in no way a fan of ANYTHING Osama did.

But does anybody find it a little strange to turn on the news and see crowds of people cheering over the death of a person?

I understand how he was the most hated person of the past decade and all that, but it still blows my mind to see thousands of people chanting because somebody died.

Vampyr 05-03-2011 12:05 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
I definitely find it weird, and I've been torn between happiness and pure macabre-ness of it all. It feels very unnatural to celebrate the death of anything.

But I just think back to 9/11. The fear and terror all those people must have felt moments before they died, and what their families had to endure afterwords...and I just can't bring myself to feel anything but happiness that he was killed.

I think it's a dichotomy of human nature - we want vengeance but death is an unnatural thing to be happy about. In the end I guess it comes out to how human you really think he was. I think the people who completely reject the idea that someone could be happy about his death don't fully understand the atrocities he committed.

Dylflon 05-03-2011 05:36 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
I think the thing to do is be happy that he can't be responsible for any more deaths.

Teuthida 05-03-2011 05:48 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Osama Bin laden is killed, and within one page of posts, not 24 hours later, it becomes about how awful America is. Amazing. Can't there be one day, one happy day, where people can just objectively admit America did something right without having to compulsively slap a "but" at the end?

I haven't seen any footage but I found many of the celebration photos to be rather revolting. I can understand celebrating if you lost a loved one on that day (as I would have if it had happened a day earlier) but most of this is blind patriotism. Then again I'm also not a sports fan. I liken this to shouting "we did it" when your team wins and all your did was sit on the couch eating cheetos.

I can also see celebrating if he was killed shortly after 9/11 but since then hundreds of thousands of civilians died at the US's hands. One should be contemplative rather than celebratory.

And imagine how much better off our country would be if we stopped trying to police the world and used all that money for our own benefit? (Our drop in education compared to most other developed nations pisses me off more than anything.)


Originally Posted by JFK
"We must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent nor omniscient; that we are only 6 percent of the world's population; that we cannot impose our will upon the other 94 percent of mankind; that we cannot right every wrong or reverse every adversity; and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem."

We're 4.5% of the world's population now btw.

Basically, if you knew someone who died as a result one of Al Qaeda's attacks, celebrate however you like. Otherwise, kindly shut it. We're screwing ourselves over more than any terrorist organization directly did.

Professor S 05-03-2011 08:09 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
While this is off-topic, I'll address it:


(Our drop in education compared to most other developed nations pisses me off more than anything.)
We spend more per student than all but one other country (Luxembourg, I believe). Money has nothing to do with it. The fact is our education system is broken because its become a bloated employment service. where the inmates run the asylum.

Back on topic:

For those who think this is just another opportunity to criticize America, well, God bless you and I'll leave it at that. If you can't just admit that there was ONE thing that we did so obviously right, then there is nothing anyone could say to dissuade you. Good news seems to infuriate those that think this way.

As for those who find it odd to take pleasure in another man's death, I sympathize, but I'll let Mark Twain put into words:

"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."

Teuthida 05-03-2011 09:00 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Don't get me wrong, it's good bin Laden was taken out. But we didn't do anything. It was a group of CIA agents who finally nailed down where he was after a decade of our country needlessly killing hundreds of thousands of innocents. Which is why I feel we shouldn't be patting ourselves on the back (or rather shouting and running around stupidly with American flags) and instead have some perspective on everything that led up to this.

Professor S 05-03-2011 09:16 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 276154)
Don't get me wrong, it's good bin Laden was taken out. But we didn't do anything. It was a group of CIA agents who finally nailed down where he was after a decade of our country needlessly killing hundreds of thousands of innocents. Which is why I feel we shouldn't be patting ourselves on the back (or rather shouting and running around stupidly with American flags) and instead have some perspective on everything that led up to this.

1) As a tax paying citizen we provide the ability for the CIA and Navy Seals to exist.

2) We didn't kill hundreds of thousands of innocents. Not even close. Those numbers that are often quoted are a combination of the small percentage of collateral (and regrettable) casualties caused by military activity and the high percentage of innocents killed by those we were fighting through IEDs, suicide bombings, tribal warfare, etc. People who want to persuade you that the war was evil claim that the US is just as much at fault for the actions of our enemies as they are, so they give us credit for all of it. There was a post about this a few years ago if I remember correctly...

3) Keep in mind we have no clue if we would have ever gotten Bin Laden without the war, establishing a "beach head" of sorts, capturing enemies and interrogating them, etc. The currently accepted theory in the media is that the intelligence that helped find Bin Laden came from Guantanamo, another morally ambiguous activity.

Teuthida 05-03-2011 09:35 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
Which makes me feel sick knowing my tax dollars helped kill so many.

And even if those numbers aren't as high (as a result of direct US killings), it was all to kill one sick man. Other than some relief to the families he took from and a morale boost, what else did his death bring? How many less would be dead if the US didn't feel the need to go balls out trying to get to him? Pretty much every other half-baked terrorist plot by al-Qaeda was foiled since 9/11. And not because of all the strict new regulations either.

To your #3: Does that mean then, those wars were all for nothing since we had the leads to his capture so close to home all that time? That sounds even worse to me.

Professor S 05-03-2011 09:48 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 276157)
And even if those numbers aren't as high (as a result of direct US killings), it was all to kill one sick man. Other than some relief to the families he took from and a morale boost, what else did his death bring?

You're misremembering the rationale for going to war in the first place. Even to Bush Bin laden was only a target. One of many. The war was against state-sponsored terrorism. Agree or disagree with it, that is how it was presented and approved.


Pretty much every other half-baked terrorist plot by al-Qaeda was foiled since 9/11. And not because of all the strict new regulations either.
The successes had nothing to do with interrogations or wiretapping? And you're sure of this? If so, you have high-ranking sources I am unaware of.


To your #3: Does that mean then, those wars were all for nothing since we had the leads to his capture so close to home all that time? That sounds even worse to me.
Only a handful of detainees were from terror-cells in the US. Most were captured in the Middle East during military operations. Again, without the war we have no idea whether or not we would have ever captured Bin Laden.

Teuthida 05-03-2011 10:14 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead
And according to Bush we invaded Iraq because of WMDs. I don't give credence to Bush's rationale for anything.

The foiled ones I was referring to were the those the public knows about. They directly affected security measures though, what with the limit on liquids, removal of shoes, etc. But you're right, I don't know about what might have been countless others.

Once again, one guilty dude's death vs [insert number here] of innocents.

The past is past. Was just saying it would be better to reflect on what brought us to this point and tread more carefully than we have been, instead of mindlessly chanting "USA USA".

I don't have anymore time today to post. Have yourself some pie.

P.S. I would like to have a thread on education in the future if just so I can learn why things are the way they are.

KillerGremlin 05-03-2011 10:31 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 276159)
P.S. I would like to have a thread on education in the future if just so I can learn why things are the way they are.

I can't speak on behalf of all populations, but recently I have been researching the hell out of programs like Teach for America (I had some interest). I also am involved in research in a lab where some focus is on the education deficit amongst inner-city populations, and specifically Black and Latino youth. As with most things there are multiple ways to tell the story. One influential factor seems to be lack of parental involvement. Since a lot of inner-city families are poor, parents work 2 or 3 jobs. The parents are never home so kids never get support at home from the parents. Support from parents at home has been shown to be CRUCIAL in fostering positive learning. There are other issues too. For example, someone in my lab is looking at Latino populations. Within that population there is a strong tendency for parents to have the belief that the school is completely responsible for educating their kids. This does not create a supportive environment in the home, which in turn might lead to doing worse in school.

There are other issues too. One theory (controversial) is that there are strong anti-white feelings within parts of the black community. If "being educated" equals "being white" there is a tendency within the black population for blacks to look down upon peers who are educated.

It's just a multitude of socio-economic factors fucking everyone over, at least in the poorer communities.

I think that is a BIG part of it. There are a million and one broad scale issues, issues specifically applicable to the way that the USA does education. And that is where Prof probably should take over.

Professor S 05-03-2011 11:07 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 276159)
And according to Bush we invaded Iraq because of WMDs. I don't give credence to Bush's rationale for anything.

I was referring to Afghanistan. You are correct about Iraq.


Once again, one guilty dude's death vs [insert number here] of innocents.
Again, I reject the supposition of your argument, so there is little to argue about here. We are talking about two different things.


The past is past. Was just saying it would be better to reflect on what brought us to this point and tread more carefully than we have been, instead of mindlessly chanting "USA USA".
In the long run, of course, but I think America can share a brief shared sigh of relief before the "boo birds" start chirping. Its just not good form, IMO.


I don't have anymore time today to post. Have yourself some pie.
Pie is delicious, but I'm on Atkins... great... now I want pie.


P.S. I would like to have a thread on education in the future if just so I can learn why things are the way they are.
Oh wow, that could take days and it goes all the way back to FDR and the red-lining of districts during the days of the NRA.

Professor S 05-03-2011 11:24 AM

Re: Bin Laden Dead

Originally Posted by KillerGremlin (Post 276160)
I can't speak on behalf of all populations, but recently I have been researching the hell out of programs like Teach for America (I had some interest). I also am involved in research in a lab where some focus is on the education deficit amongst inner-city populations, and specifically Black and Latino youth. As with most things there are multiple ways to tell the story. One influential factor seems to be lack of parental involvement. Since a lot of inner-city families are poor, parents work 2 or 3 jobs. The parents are never home so kids never get support at home from the parents. Support from parents at home has been shown to be CRUCIAL in fostering positive learning. There are other issues too. For example, someone in my lab is looking at Latino populations. Within that population there is a strong tendency for parents to have the belief that the school is completely responsible for educating their kids. This does not create a supportive environment in the home, which in turn might lead to doing worse in school.

There are other issues too. One theory (controversial) is that there are strong anti-white feelings within parts of the black community. If "being educated" equals "being white" there is a tendency within the black population for blacks to look down upon peers who are educated.

It's just a multitude of socio-economic factors fucking everyone over, at least in the poorer communities.

I think that is a BIG part of it. There are a million and one broad scale issues, issues specifically applicable to the way that the USA does education. And that is where Prof probably should take over.

You hit the nail on the head. Thomas Sowell actually does a great job of explaining how events unfold to create subsidies for lowered expectations and performance (fast forward to 2:30, but the whole dialogue is good):

During the Great Depression families were paid more assistance if they did not have a male head of household. Also, the NRA sent workers to jobs far away from their families. Add to the this the endemic racism prevalent in the government at the time and you have your modern ghettos where black workers were housed in the worst areas and segregated. Meanwhile, at home, an entire generation of African American children were growing up without a father figure.

Ever wonder why white poverty is concentrated in the mid-west and black poverty is concentrated in urban areas? ITS NOT A MISTAKE. It's what happens when your government stops serving you and starts controlling you.

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