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BreakABone 11-11-2012 03:45 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election Thread

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 284552)
To answer Mana's question from another thread: My feelings on Pennsylvania being in play were based on exactly that, feeling. Romney had a huge turnout at a rally in Bucks Co PA, but I later learned many of those in attendance were from NJ and NY. It proved a mirage.

That, and I thought Romney would do much better in Philly suburbs than McCain, and he did, but not enough to make a difference.

But overall, this number shocks me: Pres. Obama received 9 million fewer votes this year compared to 2008 (69.4 mil to 58.7 mil). If as many Republicans voted for Romney as they did for McCain (59.9 mil), we'll have a new President Elect. But Romney received nearly 4 million fewer votes. Considering there was a tremendous economic crash in 2008 under Bush, and a demoralized Rep base, I find that fact amazing and the Republican party better take notice.

They had a softball this year, and whiffed.

Yeah a lot of folks saying it was their race to lose.. and they managed to do it.. in grand fashion as well.

I just feel like in order to appeal to their vocal mass, they really alienated too many other voters

Even in the fall-out of the election, a lot of their supporters don't blame the candidates or the campaigns.. but the others...

Those good for nothing, take, take, take segment of America who is all about having unprotected sex so they can have their weekly abortions, live off the government's money and food and illegals.

And I just don't get their play.. they need to start casting those aside, and focus on casting a wider net.

Also, I think they need to start dealing in the world of facts.
The fact that it caught so many off-base that Obama, not only won re-election but with a pretty hefty margin in the PV and EC shouldn't have been too shocking if you were following the polls.

But for weeks, we heard that the polls were skewed.. that they couldn't be taken at face value.. they oversampled Democrats.. that there was an air around Romney... none of that was ever proven in fact, but they went with it.

When your own candidate begins to believe this non-sense, and is shocked that he lost.. it becomes a problem.

TheGame 11-12-2012 01:24 AM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election Thread

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 284553)
Also, I think they need to start dealing in the world of facts.
The fact that it caught so many off-base that Obama, not only won re-election but with a pretty hefty margin in the PV and EC shouldn't have been too shocking if you were following the polls.

But for weeks, we heard that the polls were skewed.. that they couldn't be taken at face value.. they oversampled Democrats.. that there was an air around Romney... none of that was ever proven in fact, but they went with it.

When your own candidate begins to believe this non-sense, and is shocked that he lost.. it becomes a problem.

Thank you.

The media needs to start doing this too. Who cares what the democrats or republicans say, both sides will always say whatever it takes to make their voters more confident that they have a chance. Focus on neutral polls and don't make excuses. Obviously the pre election polling isn't 100% accurate, but at least point out that it would be a huge upset of Romney were to pull it off.

BreakABone 11-12-2012 10:24 AM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election Thread
This is also a fairly telling chart

Bond 11-12-2012 11:47 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election Thread
I advocate more editorials like this:

Vampyr 11-13-2012 08:00 AM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election Thread
Great article, one point I thought I would draw out:


Mitt Romney won the nomination for the simple reason that every other contender was utterly beyond the pale of national acceptability
Why was every candidate so terrible? Normally I'd say it's because none of the really good candidates wanted to run against an incumbent, but I see you guys saying things like "they had a softball and whiffed." If it was truly that easy to oust the current president, why didn't "better" candidates step up?

I mean, c'mon. Santorum? Rick Perry? Those guys are joke fodder for the Daily Show, nothing more.

Professor S 11-13-2012 04:50 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election Thread

Originally Posted by Vampyr (Post 284570)
Great article, one point I thought I would draw out:

Why was every candidate so terrible? Normally I'd say it's because none of the really good candidates wanted to run against an incumbent, but I see you guys saying things like "they had a softball and whiffed." If it was truly that easy to oust the current president, why didn't "better" candidates step up?

I made those comments in hindsight, and they were more about how many votes the Romney lost than Pres. Obama lost. I don't think the Republican party ever thought they wouldn't have an increase in turnout in this election, and that's why they were so confident.

As for bad candidates, I think that can be attributed to 1) self-promotion, and 2) the misguided idea that taking a hard right turn in the social realm of politics would push up Republican turnout.

BreakABone 11-13-2012 05:48 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election Thread

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 284572)
I made those comments in hindsight, and they were more about how many votes the Romney lost than Pres. Obama lost. I don't think the Republican party ever thought they wouldn't have an increase in turnout in this election, and that's why they were so confident.

As for bad candidates, I think that can be attributed to 1) self-promotion, and 2) the misguided idea that taking a hard right turn in the social realm of politics would push up Republican turnout.

I also think.. at least to me.. that most on the right weren't pushing for Romney..but pushing to remove Obama.

Dislike can only get you so far.. they really needed to show WHY we needed Romney.. not just why Obama should go.

Feel same thing happened in 04 with Bush and Kerry

Seth 11-15-2012 02:55 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election Thread
Maybe this is why:

Any candidate who gets nominated automatically must be an 'evil' rich-douche. Obammy included. Evil rich-douche against evil rich-douche means most Americans can't see past the 9th inning in a 170+ game season, so they put their money on the one team who is most likely not to totally fuck up their hope for a good stretch. Chance at actual pennant.

This poem sums up my thoughts on the republican wing and the possibility of good leadership. By Prof Peter Dale Scott, Berkeley.

Seth 11-22-2012 01:52 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election Thread

Seth 11-12-2016 05:49 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election Thread

///mic drop

Trump isn't my president.

Thank God Hillary is not POTUS


BlueFire 12-01-2016 12:54 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election Thread
i'd love some hot takes on the 2016 election

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