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BreakABone 05-30-2009 08:51 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Just watched Bolt on Danny's recommendation, not only is it not horrible, it was actually a very enjoyable movie.

Professor S 06-01-2009 02:02 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Outpost. It's availale on XBL Netflix. It's actually a pretty taught thriller based on Nazi occult research. Definitely a well above average B-Movie.

Ric 06-02-2009 12:17 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 251312)
Street Fighter.. my mind now knows horrors beyond its greatest imagination.

How one movie manages to get so much wrong is beyond me.

I take it you mean the absolutly diabolical version with Jean Claude Van Dam in? I sincerely hope you do anyway. Dont let that put you off. Check out the Street fighter animated movie (anime) it is fucking brilliant. And you get to see Chun Li's tits :stud:

Teuthida 06-03-2009 09:20 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

I never read the book so I didn't know what to expect...but I did not expect that. It was like watching nightmare. Great visuals but very little story. Almost felt more like watching someone play a video game than a movie. The music was really nice though...soft spooky fairytailish.

Of the Neil Gaiman based movies/shows I've seen, sadly I think this is my least favorite. Hmm, I forget how I felt about Mirrormask. Think liked that more.

KillerGremlin 06-03-2009 11:17 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Ric (Post 251717)
I take it you mean the absolutly diabolical version with Jean Claude Van Dam in? I sincerely hope you do anyway. Dont let that put you off. Check out the Street fighter animated movie (anime) it is fucking brilliant. And you get to see Chun Li's tits :stud:

Anime tits don't turn me on. Isn't that weird because I set the bar pretty low. :lol:

Teuthida 06-04-2009 08:22 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Daytime Drinking

A lot of eating, drinking, and bad luck. I usually like slice of life movies like this but...I dunno, maybe I wasn't in the mood or the fact that I don't drink distanced me. Was ok I guess.

Typhoid 06-04-2009 11:52 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Last night I watched Babylon A.D.

And you know what - it was an alright movie. It wasn't fantastic, Vin Diesel is a terrible actor - and occasionally it drags - but the concept of the movie I really, really enjoyed.

I wouldn't buy the movie, however.

The Germanator 06-05-2009 12:05 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
I saw Drag Me to Hell and absolutely loved it. I've been desperate for somebody to make a good new horror movie and it's not all that surprising that it took Sam Raimi to do it. It was over the top, legitimately funny, and best of all legitimately scary. A negative is Justin Long, but he was such a weinus that I kind of enjoyed his character just because he was such a weinus. Anyway, it's only half way through the year, but that flick is going to be tough to beat for my favorite of the year just because the hope I have for it that it may rejuvenate a stagnant genre that I really like.

Teuthida 06-06-2009 02:41 AM

Re: Last movies you saw
Drunken Master

Awesome of course.

Ric 06-06-2009 06:32 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Drunken Master is great. You should check out a film called City Hunter if only for this scene -

:lol: But by far one of my absolute favourite Jackie Chan films is called 'Miracles' I highly recommend this film, it's a must see.

Just watched Battle Royale. A brilliant Japanese film about a class of school children put on an island and forced to fight to the death. Features Takeshi Kitano. Fantastic film, if a little gory and fucked up. It has one of the most cringe worthy bollock stabbing scenes in any film ever.

Fox 6 06-06-2009 10:55 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
The Hangover.

It was actually pretty funny stuff. You should see it if you're looking for a laugh.

Ric 06-06-2009 11:41 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Just watched Drag Me To Hell on The Germanator's recommendation. I must agree that it was actually a pretty good film. Definately the best modern Horror movie I have seen in a few years. Nice film to watch just before you go to bed :errr:


If I was that bitch though I would have gotten my arse to a church. As for the ending, gutted lady. That's what you get for being a calous bitch in the first place. She should have checked the envelope before she dug the Gipsy up, stupid woman.


C.H 06-07-2009 02:06 AM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Ric (Post 252247)

Such brillance captured in that scene :), and a great way to momentarily forget a hangover.

Teuthida 06-07-2009 01:55 PM

Re: Last movies you saw
Legend of Drunken Master. Wow. Some amazing fight scenes. And that last one looked painful as hell.


Originally Posted by Ric (Post 252247)
Drunken Master is great. You should check out a film called City Hunter if only for this scene -

:lol: But by far one of my absolute favourite Jackie Chan films is called 'Miracles' I highly recommend this film, it's a must see.

Just watched Battle Royale. A brilliant Japanese film about a class of school children put on an island and forced to fight to the death. Features Takeshi Kitano. Fantastic film, if a little gory and fucked up. It has one of the most cringe worthy bollock stabbing scenes in any film ever.

Hahaha awesome.

I shall check out Miracles.

I think Battle Royale was the first modern Japanese movie I saw. Been a while. There was a sequel too right? Check out Suicide Club for teen violence of a similar vein. Actually I think most of the Japanese movies I've seen are violent to a cartoony extent. Ichi the Killer is awweeessooome.

Nighthawk 06-07-2009 02:08 PM

Re: Last movies you saw

Originally Posted by Ric (Post 252247)
Just watched Battle Royale. A brilliant Japanese film about a class of school children put on an island and forced to fight to the death. Features Takeshi Kitano. Fantastic film, if a little gory and fucked up. It has one of the most cringe worthy bollock stabbing scenes in any film ever.

oh god, I've watched that film about 2 or 3 years ago but I had forgotten the name. thank you Ric, I'll... "acquire" the film when I get back home on tuesday.

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