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BreakABone 03-05-2009 08:33 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
This is out tomorrow, I know the Canadian Connection has a crew together for Dylflon's birthday.
Anyone else plans on catching it manana or even at a midnight showing?

Also it currently stands at 66% on RT.

And a MUST WATCH Video

Professor S 03-06-2009 12:39 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
That cartoon is f&%king brilliant

Dyne 03-06-2009 05:29 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Hahahahahah. That was awesome.

Acebot44 03-06-2009 07:37 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Saw the midnight showing.

Enjoyed it, but it didn't get close to the epic feeling of Dark Knight

Worth the 3 hours though :-)

Dyne 03-07-2009 05:01 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Fantastic movie! Eerily brilliant casting choices (especially Rorschach and Rorscach's Psychologist in Jail.) Even the small characters like the comic-book reading kid by the Newstand. Even the newstand guy was spot on.

This is also the first movie that I don't think will piss off any serious fans of the comic. Everything was represented accurately and with reason. And if anyone does complain? It's fucking Solid Snake himself, David Hayter who wrote the screenplay. It's golden.

However, TERRIBLE soundtrack. The only decent piece was the music playing during Manhattan's backstory. The incidental music was terribly composed. This is coming from Warner Brothers who spent more than a pretty penny on gorgeus orchestral music for Batman, which was a kid's television show. However, they figured out there was giant gaps, and filled them with crappy licenced songs.

99 luftballoons? We all laughed.

Sound of Silence? Really?

HEY GUYS LET'S HAVE A RIOT. Oh by the way all the music we have is KC and the Sunshine Band because LOL WE'RE IN THE SEVENTIES. Really? SHIT.

Oh shit Manhattan is huge and kicking ass! Let's play... Ride of the Valkyries. Don't reorchestrate it or anything, just play the most popular version.

And finally.. Leonard Cohen's version of Hallelujah? Really? Of all the covers, they had to choose the crappy original? Also... why that song? Hallelujah that he's HAVING SEX? Alright guys.

The only good song choice was the Philip Glass track, "Pruit Igoe & Prophecies" playing during Manhattan's backstory. However, it's not something they composed. It's in Grand Theft Auto IV on the radio.

So... music aside, go see this!

Fox 6 03-07-2009 12:01 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Bob Dylans The times they are a changing in the opening was alright.

Think the worst part was Jimi Hendrix cover of all along the watchtower. Really didnt fit at that moment in the film.

Dyne 03-07-2009 03:03 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Originally Posted by Fox 6 (Post 246232)
Bob Dylans The times they are a changing in the opening was alright.

Think the worst part was Jimi Hendrix cover of all along the watchtower. Really didnt fit at that moment in the film.

I was going to mention All Along the WatchTower, but after reviewing the lyrics, they kind of fit. Sort of. So I let it slide. Hahaha.

But yeah, Bob Dylan's first song was fine where it was. KC and the Sunshine band, however, was totally awkward.

Swan 03-07-2009 06:17 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Just got back from seeing this with Combine.

Not enough penis

GameMaster 03-07-2009 07:18 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer

Originally Posted by Dyne (Post 246230)
And finally.. Leonard Cohen's version of Hallelujah? Really? Of all the covers, they had to choose the crappy original? Also... why that song? Hallelujah that he's HAVING SEX? Alright guys.

Jeff Buckley FTW.

Typhoid 03-07-2009 08:15 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
I think the best part of this movie was the hilarious IMAX laser show promiting IMAX itself that happened before we all watched it. I kept expecting it to tell my life would be better with surround sound in high def, and needed more laser racecars whizzing by.

Anyways, I've never read the book, but I loved the movie a lot. I thought it was really well done, except after talking about the book on the way home, some things just aren't flat out explained and didn't even needed to be included in the movie considering they werent imperative to the storyline itself.

I thought the music choice was good, actually. I thought the selection of music was supposed to be a comedic poke of juxtaposition to what was actually going on at times.

I would see this again and again.
Just not in IMAX, if they keep showing that goddamn laser show.

Swan 03-08-2009 06:02 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
I think me and Combine are going to see it next weekend in IMAX.

I remember when I saw Dark Knight in IMAX and it did the laser show. All I could think was that IMAX is an arrogant dick

Dylflon 03-08-2009 07:44 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
So good!

Professor S 03-09-2009 08:53 AM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
I've watched it and digested it. Here are a few notes:

1) Music - Yes, it was distractibg at times (Sound of Silence, 99 Luftballoons), but after thinking about it I thought most of it was appropiate. I will agree that the Jeff Buckley should have been used, but then again Shrek kind of stole that thunder, but the Hallelujah wasn't abnout sex... the sex wasn't about sex... it was about them finding their calling again.

Boogieman, Watchtower were especially well chosen, IMO. The score was not especially good, apart from the Manhattan sequence, but not distracting.

2) Aside from Malin Ackerman (she was kind of just "there" I thought the performances were very good - excellent. Jackie Earle Haley (I CALLED IT) stole the damn movie. He IS Rorschach. Morgan was also a standout as The Comedian, and that character was even more effective on screen. He was more dispicable and yet more relatable at the same time.

And I liked Patrick Wilson's version of Night Owl better than Moore's version, because the movie version seemed to be a man searching for his lost manhood rather than in the book where I wondered how he ever was a hero in the first place.

EDIT: Can't forget Billy Crudup as Dr. Manhattan. I will be the first to say I was wrong about there being no effects on his voice. The character needed that human element and Crudup played a man so detached but regretful of the detachment that it was a little painful.

3) Apart from the ending, which seemed rushed, I thought the movie was incredibly well edited and directed. The cemetery flashbacks and Manhattan scenes especially. Also, the inevitable comparisons to DK will comes, and one area where I will ay Snyder has it all over Nolan is fight scenes. Snyder knows how to block a fight scene and it was nice to see somewhat extended shots make it into the Bourne era cut/violence/cut/violence style. And no, the slo-mo wasn't distracting at all, and I found most of it appropriate and effective.

In the end, I'm eager to see the extended version as I think I lot of questions will be answered and hopefully the rushed ending will be fleshed out a bit more.

Dylflon 03-09-2009 04:42 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
I forgot there'd be an extended version.

I think that will be the first blu-ray i ever buy.

BreakABone 03-10-2009 06:42 PM

Re: New Watchmen Trailer
Reading the IGN review reminded me of something I thought about during the end of the movie, but completely forgot after which may make it a moot point, but still.


On the surface level, making Doctor Manhattan the scapegoat sounds like a great alternative... until you realize that there is simply no way the countries of the world are going to set aside their differences and join hands in peace after America's ultimate super-weapon -- which he has been touted as for the whole film -- is to blame for the deaths of millions. The U.S. and U.S.S.R. are at the very brink of war, remember. Complete and total nuclear annihilation is at hand, with the rest of the world wondering if America might use the blue-skinned ace it has up its sleeve (as it did to win in Vietnam)
Mimicking Dr. M's powers made sense especially after snapping on live TV, but yeah why wouldn't the rest of the world view it as America's weapons gone rouge or wild. Why would other countries form up with the US? I can see them forming their own union to protect themselves, but really why include the US if responsible for this mess.

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